Example sentences of "[conj] the general public " in BNC.

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1 Scientists will have to make their priorities clear , in terms that their audience — whether professionals in another discipline or the general public — can appreciate .
2 The curriculum had been debated , if at all , by Local Education Authorities , teachers , and the largely teacher-dominated Schools Council , as well as by the Examination Boards , over which the universities exercised the greatest influence , but never by ministers or the general public .
3 They must have some detrimental effect , either physical or economic , on employees , consumers or the general public .
4 ‘ Organizational crimes are illegal acts of omission or commission of an individual or a group of individuals in a legitimate formal organization in accordance with the operative goals of the organization which have a serious physical or economic impact on employees , consumers or the general public . ’
5 Corporate executives could be incapacitated by imprisonment ; whilst inside they could not be victimizing employees , consumers , share-holders , or the general public .
6 Efficiency incorporates not only quantity and quality of achievement but also preservation of his own safety and health and that of others who might be involved as working partners , passengers or the general public in the neighbourhood .
7 Nor is it an effective method of notifying the members , creditors or the general public , few of whom read the Gazette .
8 It is more and more a high tech event where the general public and even the family concerned have little , if any , role .
9 The British Government had cut the overseas aid budget by more money than the two charities had ever raised in their entire histories — and neither the media nor the general public had produced a murmur of protest .
10 The increased range and penetration of government activity , the tendency for specialised administrative departments to function with little political control , the growing complexity in the affairs of trade unions and other voluntary organisations which led to greater dependence upon professional experts — all these made it imperative that the general public should be better informed than ever before .
11 I maintain that the general public loves to look at , and discuss , photos of the Royal Family .
12 I suggest that the general public also regard statements about animal tested products with caution , as it is well known that many of these products have had extremely adverse effects on human beings .
13 This is mirrored in a survey by Bunting ( 1981 ) in the UK , where it appears that the general public hold some realistic and generally favourable views of deaf people even though there is no understanding of the language needs of pre-lingually deaf people .
14 They have long ago mastered the art of arranging musical notes into a pattern that the general public can retain and whistle the next day , and their delivery is as simple as it is direct .
15 Eddie Murphy 's success as the leading world box-office star of the mid-80's proved once again that the general public was not quite as small-minded as the film studios seemed to believe but it was Spike Lee 's 1986 low budget success ‘ She 's Got ta Have It ’ that really began to turn the tide .
16 Remember that the general public is looking for newsworthy stories .
17 This showed that the general public , school teachers and sixth form pupils all think that the University of Birmingham is in the top ten in the UK .
18 Convinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge , he took an active part in several educational activities .
19 We all do our bit to ensure that the general public and also members of the Health Authority , are fully aware of our feelings in connection with the closure of , what is not just a regional speciality , but what is a nationally and internationally renowned , orthopaedic hospital .
20 Does he accept that the general public will not mind in the least paying to see these magnificent treasures ?
21 Finally , does he accept that the general public want to see him and his Department using all their energies to ensure the implementation of a safe , reliable railway , instead of producing a White Paper on the privatisation of British Rail ?
22 I asked him if he would be prepared to support the Government 's privatisation proposals , and he said : ’ I should be happy to do so , provided that the general public can apply for shares . ’
23 In a recently published report , a Common Land Forum ( set up by the Countryside Commission ) has recommended that the general public should be granted a right of legal access to all areas of common land .
24 It is criticized by the Tories and the media and of course they never explain how it works , so it is not surprising that the general public is suspicious of it .
25 My own view that Sun readers are n't stupid and that the general public is n't really a stupid erm but erm they enjoy reading it and they 're reading for the experience of reading , getting their views and are very almost like , have you ever seen processed cheese slabs , you know you can buy little pieces of cheese in little wrappers that stick on your bread or your butter or your rolls and the way the Sun , the Sun newspaper 's kind of like that , if you do n't wan na read thirty five pages in the Independent every day , enormous amount of news terrifically written , reported for the , for the most part , you could read the Sun at a quarter of the price , except that you do n't get all the news and you also get er a different political viewpoint but it 's one way of getting news in er
26 And er , I think that there are people who are a little wet behind the ears if they think that the general public are going to accept the costs of a budget that 's coming forward on a long these lines .
27 But I mean these , these surveys have indicated that the general public is quite prepared to give that little bit extra through direct t , through direct taxation , well listen , you you guys ca n't speak much after all there 's only thirty one of you and there 's thirty seven of us here let's face it .
28 It 's a pity that the general public do n't come into this chamber on , on a normal debate , about education , about children 's needs , about social services , the very things that I 've
29 Now it is not for me to give my opinion as to that and I do not , but I think it right that the general public should understand and be aware that this is now the law . ’
30 That we really are putting a tremendous number of people on the street over the course of the year , erm that the general public are facing .
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