Example sentences of "[conj] change his mind " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes Paul puts a tick next to Keith 's name , and then Keith remembers a meeting or changes his mind or something .
2 Once you have smashed your foot into his groin and changed his mind , you can deal with the others .
3 Leaning back , he began to reach for the packet of cigars , then made a wry face and changed his mind .
4 Had he come to England and changed his mind about seeing her ?
5 Whereupon the partying Ninevites , just like Jonah inside the whale , repented ; whereupon God decided after all to spare the city ; whereupon Jonah became incredibly irritated , which was only normal in one who 'd been put to a lot of trouble to bring the message of destruction , only for the Lord , despite a well-known , indeed historic taste for wrecking cities , to turn round and change his mind .
6 Yes , well probably , it 's time for me to try and change his mind .
7 that 's , that 's gon na happen and the fellows go along with it like when Tony first decided to move and that I thought oh great he 's found a place back in Basingstoke you know , we went and looked at them and everything and he turns round and changes his mind or he 's in the , you know he 's worried or nervous
8 Stirling had originally intended to skirt south of the salt marshes and then find a way through the mountains to Gafsa where American forces had been reported , but changed his mind .
9 Schlesinger first thought him wrong for Ratso , but changed his mind when they met in New York .
10 Scales opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind .
11 He had intended to visit Matthew 's bedroom alone but changed his mind and went to the kitchen .
12 Pete lifted his knight but changed his mind and put it back on the board .
13 Of course there are , and ought to be , a thousand images of God in which we represent him as changing his mind , forgetting , being angry , being him , doing all kinds of creaturely things ; our language of worship , of gratitude for existence , has to be full of such metaphors and images ; we must take these metaphors seriously , but if we take them literally , if we mistake these images for God , we are idolaters .
14 The his head lowered as if he intended to kiss her , but instead of his lips finding her own he paused as though changing his mind .
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