Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] realized that " in BNC.

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1 Following Mary 's death , observers at home and abroad realized that the papal connection with England would once more be severed by her successor .
2 A brilliant bird alighted on the opposite branch , cocked its head to show the jewels set within it , settled , and then realized that the boy was there , a mere span away .
3 ‘ Hi , Ma , ’ he said mechanically and then realized that his grandmother was also present .
4 Mrs Stych faltered for a moment and then realized that she meant Hank .
5 her lips curled in a smile , and Patrick wondered if she knew what effect she was having on him — and then realized that she probably did .
6 And what about the time he had interrupted Lord Boddy , and then realized that all he had wanted to say was that it was interesting ?
7 Brian opened his mouth to tell his wife she was a liar and then realized that that would be too strong .
8 She began to go through the whole thing in her prayer and then realized that God of course would know anyway , so she simply asked if it could be that Timothy Gedge was possessed by devils .
9 And the peedie fairy was just delighted to start with but soon realized that there was something kind of fishy going on and it was n't a very happy place .
10 She tasted blood and thought that it was Ryker 's , but then realized that her own face was gashed just below the left eye , she guessed by flying glass .
11 Donna had helped her onto the sofa , woken her gently but then realized that she was becoming hysterical .
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