Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] meaning to " in BNC.

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1 Even for philosophers , one suspects , it is less the philosophy than these episodes that give meaning to their own lives .
2 They are part of an armoury of concepts , conventions and practices that give meaning to and protect the writer 's own social formation and specifically their own place within it .
3 What they are writing about in reality are the ideal standards of their own social group , those that give meaning to their work practice even if they do not always live up to them .
4 But without another job , a hobby or some activity that gives meaning to their lives there is danger .
5 In Saussure 's theory we identify and attach meaning to an individual word in a sequence by placing it mentally against the background of other words , not present in the sequence , which are both similar and different to it .
6 These , while reflecting the findings of academic research , would use local resources to vivify and give meaning to the programmes which were developed .
7 Unless they become tribesmen when they acquire national membership they will lack those affiliations and loyalties below the level of nation which are identical in kind to national loyalty , and which sustain and give meaning to the existence of born Libyans : a system which derives nationhood from family and tribe does not easily accommodate immigrants .
8 ( Ullman 's work is thus closer to the spirit of Kant , and may be thought of as an attempt to articulate the intuitions and categories of space which structure and give meaning to the input stimulus . )
9 Meditation , yoga , and psychotherapy have all been taken up by Westerners as ways of helping themselves cope , and give meaning to their lives .
10 Because of this , humans ' actions are meaningful : they define situations and give meaning to their actions and those of others .
11 Themes like " rites of passage " or " festivals " can so attract attention to sociological aspects of religion , that the impression is given to pupils that religion is about how people organize themselves and give meaning to their lives — that the essence of religion is manufactured by societies and by people .
12 To say that God did it is to give the ultimate cause and to give meaning to it .
13 This will-to-meaning , Frankl argues , is more important than will-to-power but , of course , an individual can be obsessed by power and gives meaning to life in this way .
14 But , for the original inhabitants of the lands the desert is the familiar place that provides nature and gives meaning to life .
15 It is therefore necessary to become able to recognize and attach meaning to the words and to the patterns of which the sentences consist .
16 Even when a baby is born with the intact body structures required for communicating , it is necessary to learn to use those structures , to perceive , and to attach meaning to discrete sounds .
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