Example sentences of "[adv] concerned [prep] whether " in BNC.

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1 While many users have developed joyous fantasies about what a 256 megabit DRAM will do for them , others are somewhat concerned about whether an alliance between these three giants will adversely affect the performance of the DRAM market .
2 The motion , he said , was not concerned with whether all standard fees were wrong in principle .
3 It 's a pity she was n't more concerned about whether he was fit for the job or not , whatever his hair style .
4 And I mean one had to be grateful because she was much more concerned about whether I 'd hurt myself falling off the ladder than her wardrobe .
5 Apart from the first item , which is solely concerned with whether the whole sentence conforms to the rules of the adult grammar , each grammatical feature is assigned a score which reflects its developmental complexity .
6 He was solely concerned with whether punishments were effective as deterrents and not with whether they were ‘ fair ’ ( though , as we shall see later , his views on deterrence were also problematic ) .
7 I often speak to the farmers in my area and they are seriously concerned about whether they can continue .
8 After all , teachers are not generally too concerned with whether a child learns exactly what the average length of a brontosaurus was , or exactly how wide apart railway lines are , but they should be concerned that the child has the skills necessary to find out that information should it be required .
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