Example sentences of "[adv] held belief [that] " in BNC.

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1 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
2 The commercial misjudgment centred upon British Airways ' obstinately held belief that turbo jets were more economic than pure jets and were preferred by passengers .
3 ‘ Central to the theme is our strongly held belief that society is suffering now for the liberal views of the Sixties .
4 The strongly held belief that the teaching of reading is the sole prerogative of the professional ( together with a tenacious preservation of its mystiques ) has been accepted for years .
5 Discussion of immorality was particularly problematic , given the strongly held belief that to name it and put it into discourse was a dangerous incitement to further acts of depravity .
6 This approach stems from a strongly held belief that voluntary action represents a major force for positive environmental change .
7 Not because she was a clairvoyant forecasting trends which suddenly came true , but because this was the moment when her consistently held belief that clothes were part of an overall way of living was now applauded by the market .
8 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
9 These expressed hostility to Britain 's pre-eminent position , the demand for greater democracy in the country , and a widely held belief that the Hashemites had an understanding with Israel not to attempt to recapture any of Israeli Palestine but to punish severely any Palestinian who violated the Armistice Line .
10 We will investigate the widely held belief that crime is a working-class phenomenon through an examination of some predominantly middle-class crimes , in particular business or corporate crime .
11 While no one would deny the existence of horrendous acts of violence and criminality in earlier times , it is a widely held belief that western , advanced societies are becoming more and more criminal .
12 In Chapter 3 , we examined in some detail Pearson 's review of the history of street crime in Britain , and his criticism of the widely held belief that such crime is a unique feature of present-day society .
13 The results reported in this article confirm the widely held belief that ICAEW member firms are responsible for the audit of the vast majority of major companies and institutions in the UK .
14 Criticism of the education service for failing to meet the needs of an advanced industrial economy is undoubtedly linked with a widely held belief that educational standards , generally , are in decline .
15 In his summing-up , Mr Justice Caulfield could not have evinced a more robust hostility to the Official Secrets Act , sharing a widely held belief that it was long out of date and an intolerable interference with freedom of speech , and that it provided a justification for prosecutions ranging from the serious to the grotesquely ridiculous .
16 Segun Ogundimu , who had earlier withdrawn from the race , voiced the widely held belief that " the moneybags have hijacked the parties …
17 Although duodenal ulcers ( DU ) rarely form in patients with achlorhydria , the widely held belief that all patients with duodenal ulcer disease secrete excessive amounts of acid is incorrect .
18 Not because of his background — among Menzies ' credentials was the widely held belief that he was the illegitimate offspring of Edward VII — but because , as Carrington was to slowly learn , the secret services , like most other scions of government and the Establishment , were run by envy , fear and favouritism .
19 In contrast to the commonly held belief that sex spoils athletic performance , Dr Craig Sharp , who used to act as medical adviser to British Olympic competitors , suggested that sexual activity might actually improve things .
20 Research evidence contradicts the commonly held belief that neonates do not perceive pain .
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