Example sentences of "[adv] before they reach " in BNC.

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1 Long before they reached the relevant section .
2 He was a very easy person to talk to , and long before they reached home she felt as if she had known him for years .
3 Long before they reached this degree of sophistication , however , in the main stream of Commando forces ( see diagram p. 14 ) were spawned many small fry .
4 Dawn overtook them long before they reached the Esk , or even the Lyne .
5 Sometimes I 'd watch their kites going down into the fields overhead , down until they dwindled away out of sight , long before they reached the tops of the trees You ca n't do that often , though , because of all the smog .
6 He chose a stance high up in a plane tree where he knew that if they tried climbing he would see them long before they reached him .
7 In the British Isles the best examples are found off the Norfolk coast , as will be described below : although this coast is one of submergence , the offshore profile , composed largely of glacial deposits , is extremely gentle , thus allowing waves to break long before they reach the coast .
8 The then Lord Chief Justice in 1980 commented that , If it were not that a high proportion of cases are compromised long before they reach court the administration of justice would soon grind to a halt ; the courts would be overwhelmed by the volume of work . ’
9 Initially this new German ‘ victory ’ weapon proved unnerving but before long it became possible for the ‘ V1s ’ to be intercepted by fighter aircraft over the sea , although their speed was a problem , but by moving the bulk of the anti-aircraft artillery units to the Isle of Wight and along the southern coastline of England , it was possible to shoot them down before they reached the London area .
10 It should be noted at this point that the small number of boys who become anorexic ( 14 per cent as compared to 86 per cent girls of the patients studied by Bruch ) do so before they reach puberty and do not develop sexually until after they have recovered .
11 Just before they reached the track leading to Yatton Farm , however , they received a shock .
12 They drove back in silence for a while and then , just before they reached the house where William 's mother now lived , William said , ‘ It was the reason my mum went into business , you know . ’
13 Just before they reached the station she said , ‘ Was it the birds ? ’
14 Just before they reach the flowering stage — earlier if you need the land for another crop — chop them down , allow them to wilt for a few hours then plough or dig them in .
15 Just before they reach the exit , HAMLET , apparently seeing CLAUDIUS approaching from off stage , bends low in a sweeping bow .
16 It was one and a half hours later before they reached him , caught up in all the plants , still shouting ‘ What have I done ?
17 Howard had anticipated losses well before they reached the river .
18 They saw the camp-fires lighting up the winter dusk well before they reached the Hoddom area , near where the Water of Milk joined Annan , which meant , of course , that the enemy ahead presumably would be apt to see them also ; but it was practically impossible to hide the presence of a major army anyway .
19 But by far the majority perish , before they are even hatched — or at least before they reach maturity and breed themselves .
20 Somehow I must get up the Library steps , for if I can get in there before they reach me , they wo n't be able to duff me in .
21 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price-performance curve .
22 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price/performance curve .
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