Example sentences of "[adv] probable that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is highly probable that by early in the next century it will require no more than ten per cent of the labour force to provide us with all our material needs — that is , all the food we eat , all the clothing we wear , all the textiles and furnishings in our houses , the houses themselves , the appliances , the automobiles , and so on .
2 The first certain Greek words in the Bible are in the Book of Daniel ( 3.5 ) , which in its present form belongs to the third and second centuries B.C. It is furthermore probable that in Kohelet ( Ecclesiastes ) the Persian word pardes ( 2.5 ) is used in a meaning , orchard , given to it by the Greeks under the form .
3 It now seems more probable that until the beginning of the 1970s there was a combination of elements favourable to rapid economic growth in the major economies , particularly those of Europe and Japan .
4 It is more probable that in most cases , the relative contributions to the final research of student and supervisor could not easily be separated .
5 It is now probable that despite conservation measures — China budgeted $895 million on this in 1981 — there will be shortages until 1985/6 .
6 It seems probable that the Atlantic trade mobilised capital far more effectively , and equally probable that in aggregate it did so to a greater extent , if the East India Company 's heavy non-trading interests are first discounted .
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