Example sentences of "[pron] realises that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Mellor , again , who realises that it was irascibility over broadcasters in general that got the then government into the fine mess from which he had to extract it .
2 In ‘ Rikoran ’ the Pu Yi of actor Masayoshi Yamaguchi is a comically astute man who realises that he is powerless as Japan 's dupe in Manchuria .
3 Once she realises that she will eventually get back what she 's lent , she 'll be happier to share .
4 His modest apology for tardiness in producing this volume is unnecessary in any terms , considering the magnitude of his task , and when in addition one realises that he has pressed on with the completion of the work during his convalescence from a serious illness , it is clear that his apology should be replaced by the public 's commendation .
5 He is often said to be fixing a ‘ tariff ’ period ; and there is no harm in using that expression provided that one realises that it is the Home Secretary 's tariff , not the judges ' tariff .
6 If one reads the citizens charter , one realises that it will spawn more charters than the hydra could grow heads .
7 Although fond of Angelfish he realises that they would grow big enough to eat many of the other fish he likes , like Neon Tetras .
8 Although he has been looking for the little creep to beat him up for having steered him wrong , he realises that it is better to be with someone , even someone like Ratso , than to be alone .
9 J is angry , but he realises that you have n't got to get totally in-your-face to get a serious message across .
10 If he 's never been particularly affectionate and you 've never complained before , he may find your sudden demands puzzling and irritating , although I hope he realises that you 're anxious to improve things for the sake of the marriage and not just for yourself .
11 Instead , she guides him to check his suggestion and when he realises that he is not successful , she skilfully involves him in the final solution to the problem .
12 When he realises that he has a migraine , my husband retires to bed for a few hours then spends the rest of the day in an armchair .
13 He uses the same strategy in scene one when he realises that he has failed to infer from McKendrick 's prompting that he should have recognised him .
14 and on Joe 's visit to London he realises that he is not really appreciated and leaves as he has too much dignity .
15 He realises that he does not have to conform to the laws which have been set down by his community .
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