Example sentences of "[pron] corresponds [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This would , in fact , make an ideal introduction to the works , were it not for the fact that the packaging completely misleads the purchaser as to the playing order of the music : it is listed as ( in order ) — but the disc actually plays , so that there 's not a single track which corresponds with the one listed in the sleeve note !
2 To the right is one of several photocopies of the bride , complete in outline , on which I worked to sort out the background composition in more detail , especially the position of the patterned arch on the carpet backdrop , which corresponds with the curve of the headcloth material embroidery at the bottom left .
3 In response to histamine , MKN45 cells had significantly raised concentrations of cAMP in the presence of 10 - 7 and 10 - 9 M histamine , which corresponds with the proliferation data previously shown .
4 A first interim order may last up to eight weeks which corresponds with the usual period allowed for investigation under s37 ( s38(4) ) .
5 Therefore : ‘ If this replacement proceeds smoothly and at the same rate as the disappearance , we have a case of simple reproduction , which corresponds to a situation in which the productive social labour remains uniform , with the productive forces unchanging . ’
6 The only possible explanation of this radiation , which corresponds to a temperature of about 3K ( 3 C° above the absolute zero of cold ) , seemed to be that it represented the residual energy left over from the Big Bang .
7 It shows how money wage adjustments lead to a convergence on a unique , stable unemployment rate , U , which corresponds to a condition of zero excess demand in the labour market .
8 The novelist was Philip Roth , no stranger to outcries himself , whose fictions reveal a multiple self which corresponds to the multiple self of Philip Roth .
9 This is a subjective , motivational factor which corresponds to the objective moral distinction identified as the first reason .
10 Section 16 contains an offence of possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life , which corresponds to the offence under section 3 of the Explosives Act .
11 In this analogy , the molecule in the cell which corresponds to the tool is ATP , which is short for adenosine triphosphate , and the ready-compressed spring corresponds to the high energy phosphate bond in the ATP .
12 The clitoris is the female equivalent of the penis and it has a glans clitoridis , which corresponds to the glans penis and is similarly well supplied with sensory nerves .
13 This extension , in one case , is followed by a time-like curvature singularity which corresponds to the source of the Kerr solution .
14 Upon tracing the sixth ventricle of the brain , which corresponds to the fourth in the human subject , to its apparent termination , the calamus scriptorius , I perceived the appearance of a canal , continuing by a direct course into the centre of the spinal marrow .
15 This one has a pre-programmed sequence , which corresponds to the owner 's individual code .
16 The differences between electron energy levels in atoms are typically in the region of a few electron-volts , which corresponds to the energy of photons of light in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum .
17 This can be achieved by regarding the act of sanctification of the ‘ goodness ’ of the very first ‘ good ’ event of evolution , as an abstract concept which corresponds to the ‘ good ’ physical event .
18 Following the introduction of civil penalties for late filing of accounts from 1 July ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 85 ) , Companies House has confirmed that the periods allowed for the filing of company accounts actually expire at midnight on the date in the last month for filing which corresponds to the last day of the company 's accounting reference period .
19 What a strange statement has come from Companies House confirming that the periods allowed for filing of company accounts actually expire at midnight on the date in the last month for filing which corresponds to the last day of the company 's accounting reference period ( see ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 98 ) .
20 The technical , which corresponds to the activity of the nomological sciences , the practical , which corresponds to the hermeneutic sciences , and the emancipatory , which corresponds to the critical sciences .
21 The technical , which corresponds to the activity of the nomological sciences , the practical , which corresponds to the hermeneutic sciences , and the emancipatory , which corresponds to the critical sciences .
22 The technical , which corresponds to the activity of the nomological sciences , the practical , which corresponds to the hermeneutic sciences , and the emancipatory , which corresponds to the critical sciences .
23 Students then tick the boxed word or phrase which corresponds to the sentence they think they heard .
24 In sea urchin eggs , the fertilization-induced wave spreads around the periphery ( Fig. 3 ) , which corresponds to the cortical location of the RYRs .
25 THE retinal fovea , which corresponds to the central degree or so of vision , is spatially over-represented in the visual cortex .
26 In particular , helix III of GH5 , which corresponds to the recognition helix F of CAP , should bind to DNA by fitting into a groove , and the approximate face that GH5 presents to a duplex of DNA should be the same as the corresponding part of CAP .
27 The state as a whole functions as ‘ an ideal collective capitalist ’ ( Altvater , 1973 ) , a political institution which corresponds to the common needs of capital .
28 The correct distance below the inferior border of the patella is not 5 cm but 3 cun , which corresponds to the width of the patient 's four fingers .
29 Afterwards the system is in that particular eigenstate , selected from the original superposition , which corresponds to the eigenvalue actually obtained as the result of that measurement .
30 However when a measurement is made the state vector undergoes a discontinuous change , collapsing onto that particular eigenvector which corresponds to the result actually observed on that occasion .
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