Example sentences of "[pron] arrives at the " in BNC.

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1 Already , the show which arrives at the Royal Court on June 24 , has gone down very well at Universities .
2 Here is an example of an impro exercise for two actors : ‘ An actor is asked to assume the character of a close family friend who arrives at the house with the news of the death of the wife 's husband in an accident .
3 The Doctor realises that there is no way the two teachers could have achieved all this , but it is Barbara who arrives at the real solution .
4 During this time the egg passes along her oviduct ( egg-laying tube ) so that it is ready for immediate extrusion when she arrives at the nest .
5 She walks from her flat at the wrong end of Ladbroke Grove , along the Harrow Road , under various stretches of motorway , past the Metropole Hotel where she calls in to buy herself a drink in the Cosmo-Cocktail Bar ( she is perversely fond of the Metropole Hotel ) , and then through various increasingly handsome although gloomy back streets , until she arrives at the arranged corner .
6 The Duchess of York waves to residents as she arrives at the Bedford Drive homes in Rock Ferry , and right , chatting to Mark Kinsley Picture : JASON ROBERTS
7 Haitink is not one given to lofty poetics ( try the decidedly unmagical , if immaculately balanced gossamer string texturing of [ iii ] ) , nor outbursts of uncontrollable excitement ( close of [ i ] ) , yet the fact that one arrives at the finale with one 's emotions reasonably intact pays dividends in the long-term , especially as the conductor and the BPO ( on stunning form , incidentally ) raise the emotional temperature several notches for this glorious movement .
8 The change is apparent from when one arrives at the entrance .
9 Through these arguments one arrives at the position that the use of ROI need not be so harmful as academic accountants ( including me in the early 1970s ! ) and more recently academics from other fields have argued it to be .
10 I am not suggesting that he arrives at the meaning of Truth as the result of philosophical or metaphysical speculation in a vacuum .
11 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
12 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
13 He arrives at the police station .
14 Perhaps the contributor to the " Glasgow Geography " in 1825 writing of the Scottish peasant was correct when he said , " By the time he has reached the age of ten years , he has by heart , as it is called , the whole Catechism , the metrical version of the Psalms , and is pretty well versed in the Bible … and by the time he arrives at the years of maturity , to the " big ha' Bible once his father 's pride , and the Westminster Confession of Faith , he has added Pool , Henry 's Commentary , Gillespie 's Aaron 's Rod Blossoming , the Faithful Contendings of the Church of Scotland , Boston 's Fourfold State , and if he can afford them the works of Jonathan Edwards . "
15 After reading the signpost , the user moves off in the direction of his choice until he arrives at the next crossroads .
16 He arrives at the Forum in the Tony and Olivier award-winning play M.
17 There is a particularly fine example in the last pas de deux of La Fille Mal Gardée where Lise and Colas weave themselves into an embrace which is so tender , gentle and loving that it arrives at the end of a phrase as the most natural thing in the world .
18 Keeping close to the coast , it arrives at the village of Broadford : thus far , the scenery is not inspiring , the hinterland being a dull moorland and the seaward views more pleasing .
19 Catalogues and mail order services share the disadvantages of offering a limited selection , and , more importantly , not allowing you the chance to examine the item until it arrives at the door .
20 Transmission across the callosum takes time and necessitates crossing at least one synaptic junction , during which the information is said to undergo some degree of transformation such that it arrives at the second hemisphere in a comparatively degraded state ( McKeever and Huling , 1971a ; Gross , 1972 ; Gibson , Dimond and Gazzaniga , 1972 ) .
21 Everything going into the hole dust clouds , light beams , stars , spacecraft , you anything crossing the boundary sphere marking the edge of the hole — it gets crushed out of existence when it arrives at the central point of the hole . ’
22 It arrives at the figure of 47 per cent on the basis of methods used by the European Commission and other European countries .
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