Example sentences of "[pron] crossed my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just as the slightest of doubts about him crossed my mind — perhaps during one of his endless lists of the women 's sexual problems — he would throw in a sensible remark about the funding of the National Health Service , or the small amount of time GPs can offer patients , and recovered his credibility .
2 Then it crossed my mind that there could have been an accident .
3 It crossed my mind that I could push open the door and drop the dinghy myself , but I soon realised that the workload would be far too heavy , flying as low as intended for the drop .
4 It crossed my mind that if people wanted to plant a bomb , they might do it somewhere like that to catch people milling around . ’
5 It crossed my mind that if he had changed his opinions it might be partly because the squalor and expense of the flat — made worse by my bad housekeeping — had begun to get him down .
6 It crossed my mind , darling .
7 It crossed my mind , ’ he murmured stiffly .
8 It crossed my mind that my father looked worried , but he was good at acting and perhaps that was just what he wanted me to think , so deep down I remained unconvinced .
9 ‘ They were old and shredded but it crossed my mind to get out the glue stick . ’
10 It crossed my mind .
11 Well , it crossed my mind that actually a few of the headings here are actually duplicated by the Video Work in Progress meeting , so whether we want to cover them again in this meeting I do n't know , because we had a meeting yesterday which covered some of these things and their minutes are then available .
12 And what crossed my mind
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