Example sentences of "[pron] blue eyes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you sure you did n't send that poison pen letter yourself ? ’ she muttered , her blue eyes flashing .
2 But what about ‘ that girl , Marissa ’ … ? ’ she added with a sudden bitterness , her blue eyes flashing with anger as she remembered her treatment at the hands of his beautiful personal assistant .
3 Her blue eyes narrowed to marble chips .
4 He was quick to comfort her , for her blue eyes had filled with tears .
5 ‘ But I had the most extraordinary adventure , ’ she went on , her blue eyes sparkling at the recollection .
6 Her blue eyes widened with surprise .
7 Her blue eyes widened under their dark brows .
8 Anna looked up , and her blue eyes fixed on Sarah for several seconds .
9 By the time he had finished ordering coffee , and , laying down the phone , was turning towards her , Lisa was sitting upright in her seat , her blue eyes alert and perfectly focused .
10 Her blue eyes glowed with a rebellious light .
11 Ronni glared at him , her blue eyes sparking .
12 ‘ You have … er … a lovely house , ’ she said , glancing back at Holly McKitrick to find her blue eyes trained studiously upon her .
13 There are pressures building up for me to do all sorts of things but I do n't want to accept them , ’ she says confidently , her blue eyes filled with a new purpose .
14 Her blue eyes beseeched him .
15 The woman was beautiful , her delicately fine face capped with shining ash-blonde hair , her blue eyes enhanced by a flutter of dark lashes .
16 Esther turned her head and glanced up at him , her blue eyes alight with suspicion .
17 She paused , her blue eyes slanting in Lissa 's direction .
18 Her cheeks began to fill out and the hollows by her collar bone were less noticeable , but the dullness in her blue eyes persisted .
19 And then , walking behind her at a rather greater distance than might have been thought usual , came Linnet Gage in a dress that fell from her tiny waist as gracefully and naturally as a waterfall , each diaphanous tulle frill overlapping the other with perfect simplicity , her face as delicate and beautiful as rare porcelain , her blue eyes clouded by a dream of remote but tantalizing sweetness , which also touched the corners of her lips , raising them very slightly in a smile of which every man present must have wished to know the secret .
20 She was blonde and doll-faced , but her blue eyes gave the impression that she 'd just about seen everything , and rather more than was healthy for so short a life .
21 Her blue eyes flared fiercely .
22 Her blue eyes flared very brightly .
23 Elinor twisted and swayed and twirled , her blue eyes blazing , the wick having been set afire by Aunt Bedelia .
24 ‘ It 's two men , ’ Cissie whispered , peering through the keyhole , her blue eyes squinting into the daylight and a look of mischief on her pretty face .
25 In the gaslight her blue eyes flashed , and her anger only increased his need of her .
26 Her blue eyes opened wider .
27 There was about her something distant and mysterious , Cadfael thought , as if a part of her being was charmed away into some private and pleasant place , even while her blue eyes dwelt upon her husband and his friend with sharp intelligence , following the argument back and forth with a kind of indulgent and amused affection , appropriate to a matriarch watching her children .
28 Whenever she came to the house with Peg she would look about with solemn curiosity , and her blue eyes dominated her wan little face .
29 Her blue eyes widened , and Britta was sure that her mouth formed the word No !
30 Her voice trailed away and her blue eyes widened .
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