Example sentences of "[pron] apologise [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As the hon. Member for Dagenham ( Mr. Gould ) said earlier — I apologise for referring to him when he is not in his place — there are 7 million single-person households in this country .
2 I apologise for taking up the time of the House .
3 Well , if death can ever be glamorous , that , I suppose , is the glamorous side of war casualties , but I think we need to spend the rest of our time very much looking at what it was like for the ordinary people of St Aldate's. erm And here , I apologise for producing a modern slide of Carfax , but I think just to remind you that we are talking about a very busy crowded city area , and erm about a city whose whole aspect was changing during the war .
4 Even if those figures are reduced by the two million each year that leaves a very large financial mountain to climb in the years ahead and I apologise for beginning with that gloomy prognosis but it does get better , thanks to our proposals .
5 Thank you for your letter of 19 May and I apologise for having taken so long to reply .
6 He straightened up , then bowed slightly , ‘ I apologise for barging in and finding you gloriously undressed on my bed , and for ordering you out while I took a shower .
7 I apologise for disturbing you .
8 I 'll say good night and I apologise for disturbing you so late . ’
9 I apologise for laughing , but you must admit it is rather amusing .
10 I apologise for interrupting him .
11 I apologise for keeping you out of bed . ’
12 Angry Vera replied : ‘ Why should I apologise for helping charity ?
13 When I apologised for dragging him into this , there was no bitterness in his gracious reply . ’
14 I apologised for slamming the car boot down upon it and commenting churlishly upon its perkiness and assumed that since ferns grew in the wild and my great aunt had had a whole conservatory of them , they were not difficult to rear .
15 He greeted the Sheikha formally ; she apologised for troubling him and explained the problem .
16 Do you want me to apologise for picking up the gauntlet you threw down ? ’
17 But either way we should have been consistent and we apologise for confusing at least one of you .
18 We apologise for having used old fashioned terminology in misnaming Enterococcus faecalis as Streptococcus faecalis , but the apparent redesignation of the organism as Gram negative was not intentional and arose because of the eradication of one too many ‘ organisms ’ from the text , which should read : ‘ Important indications for this category include infections due to Gram negative organisms ; organisms , such as Enterococcus faecalis , causing infective endocarditis ; osteomyelitis ; and infections of vascular grafts . ’
19 Dec 10 1988 Pick yourself up , gentle reader — we apologise for knocking you sideways with this psychedelic carnival of visuals and ideas .
20 He has lived in this pleasant suburb 45 years , entirely unaware that Kirk , Keef , Claptout and all of Led Zeppelin had been looking for him to apologise for stealing his songs and to pay him much-needed royalties .
21 and I , I told him I was n't stupid enough to keep money in the house as an ex er as an ex lawyer and erm , where , er it so happened as I say that I talked to he , he did n't take any thing in fact at the end he apologise for having chosen the wrong house and he
22 He apologises for phoning so late .
23 He apologises by saying ‘ No offence ’ .
24 ‘ Sorry , ’ he apologised without sounding in the least apologetic .
25 ‘ And he apologised for leaving , at a time when she needed him . ’
26 He apologised for trying to blame them over the Tories ' economic blunders .
27 Several times he apologised for using what was perhaps the wrong word .
28 He is well respected and popular , as was shown when Mr Major and the Commons voiced their confidence in him earlier this year when he apologised for singing on Irish TV hours after an IRA atrocity .
29 He apologised for having failed to assess the extent of corruption and abuse of power .
30 He apologised for having failed to assess the extent of corruption and abuse of power .
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