Example sentences of "[pron] walk across [art] " in BNC.

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1 I walk across the field to the gate and out into a narrow lane .
2 There is an oscillation between light and darkness but no particular moment of time when day becomes night or night day ; as I walk across the landscape I may sometimes be on a hill top and sometimes in a valley bottom but at no point does the surface of the earth come to an end .
3 Well tha , the only thing I , when I walk across the green , the only thing I see is dove dirt .
4 Shortly after I joined the Crofters Commission , the Chief Technical Officer and I walked across the old shieling ground , in the heart of a large general common pasture , in another of the islands .
5 I walked across the bridge over the Ouse and thought of the truly great prophet Bunyan who was once imprisoned there , but with care , as he was allowed a fire in his little cell , and in a small adjoining one , his little blind daughter could stay near him .
6 As I walked across the car park I looked back at the police station and almost expected to see the figure of Inspector Drew looming at one of the windows as in an early Orson Welles film .
7 Little terns fished out at sea ; I could hear their squabblings as I walked across the sand hills .
8 The following afternoon as I walked across the campus , I did n't know it but I was about to commence my full rehabilitation .
9 So I walked across the moor , until I found a dry place to sleep , in the shelter of a small hill .
10 As I walked across the gravel to the colonnade , where I could see Conchis was already sitting , his back to me , I decided on a course of action — or rather , of reaction .
11 I walked across the moors as fast as I could , and arrived breathless at Wuthering Heights .
12 But as I walked across the jarred and cratered road and sensed the usual quickenings of irony and aggression I also sensed something further — I sensed that my weight , my mass , my meat was being appraised , registered , scaled , not with lust , no , but with a carnal speculation I had never felt before .
13 If he 's never caught his breath at the sight of your crooked smile , or felt his heart lurch with love at the sound of your voice , or watched you walk across a room and wanted you and finally found out that you return his feelings , then he 's a poor man and I 'm the richest man in the world .
14 When we got the rope tied across , Ivy my daughter , she walk across the ice to see if it hold her .
15 She walked across the cobbles and pointed to a plaque set in the wall of the Library .
16 She walked across the clearing and prodded it with the gun till it fell to the ground .
17 She walked across the room slowly on her platform heels and joined the woman from her new feminist publishers .
18 ‘ Goodness , ’ she heard Caldecott say as she walked across the lawn towards her car .
19 She walked across the yard to check Shine On .
20 Little muscles twitched beneath Anthea 's shoulder blades as she walked across the hall towards the lecture room .
21 As the pair reached the bottom he saw that she was , as Eleanor had said , very thin , but he noticed the same rhythm in her movements as she walked across the cove .
22 Smells like thunder , she thought , as she walked across the tarmac .
23 So late in the second set , she walked across the scoreboard and changed it to show the match going in her favour .
24 She walked across the hall and into the kitchen .
25 She walked across the room and , grabbing her daughter 's long hair , yanked her towards the cell door .
26 Bobbie went into the garden , and then she walked across the fields .
27 With an effort she walked across the room to Jerry , who had so often asked her for a date and who , given any encouragement , would have been a frequent visitor to Blue Ash Farm .
28 She walked across the semicircular pod bay towards the monitor station , sealed behind a transparent partition .
29 She walked across the two roofs and came to the tower and its window .
30 She walked across the garden , over Carlo 's weeded lawn , under the girders of the cedar .
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