Example sentences of "[pron] has occurred [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Free Churches have made much use of the explosion of hymn writing which has occurred during the last thirty years and which crosses the boundaries of all denominations .
2 Mr Dryfe said : ‘ The violence which has occurred during the last several weeks outside the factory gates and the damage done to the property of several of our employees is deplorable .
3 But they are now undoubtedly the most endangered of the dolphin species , largely because their small and isolated populations are particularly vulnerable to the industrialisation which has occurred throughout much of their range in the past few decades .
4 One theme which has occurred throughout this book , is that law and order , and indeed Conservative criminology , has developed in response to social anxieties felt by ‘ respectable ’ elements of British society about a Britain which has difficulties in coming to terms with its position in a changing world .
5 That comparison is exagerrated by the enormous increase in world trade which has occurred in the post-war period , and which has largely by-passed the Eastern European countries .
6 However , it did not prevent , in the winter of 1921–2 , an appalling famine afflicting the southern districts of the Ukraine , ‘ the worst ’ , a League of Nations report declared , ‘ both as regards the numbers affected and as regards the mortality from starvation and disease which has occurred in Europe in modern times ’ .
7 Add to this the rapid growth in the numbers of expeditions , climbers and trekkers which has occurred in recent years and it is not surprising that the problem has reached massive proportions despite the availability of new access sites from Tibet which was opened to climbers in 1980 .
8 The explosion of knowledge , skills and ideas , which has occurred in the last half century makes any mapping to some extent arbitrary .
9 This is an important point to make , and it can again aid in understanding a distortion which has occurred in the notion of ‘ death instincts ’ in psychoanalytic theory .
10 This season all female competitors had to undergo a compulsory sex test , a sad indication of the ridiculous cheating which has occurred in top level sport in the past .
11 Bearing in mind the magnitude of soil erosion which has occurred in sensitive areas including the Dust Bowl , parts of China and of Africa it is surprising that more attention has not been directed to this aspect of the human impact .
12 We certainly can not bank on the 49 per cent increase in the size of the Bar which has occurred in the last 10 years .
13 No , I think it , it is , it 's quite a complex situation , but there is a disease of p pigeons which is one of these paramixa viruses , which has occurred in the country and is a disease of pigeons , and most pigeon clubs in fact all pigeon clubs now I believe , insist that their members vaccinate their birds .
14 It is the shift which has occurred within the population over statutory retirement-pension age towards the oldest old .
15 In England pop culture has a simultaneous function — inextricably intertwined to a degree unmatched anywhere else in the world of exploitation and expression : exploitation as the product of an industry at the sharp end of the new conditions of capitalism , expression by virtue of its position — which has occurred by default — as the main area of activity in our society which freely admits voices of both youth and change .
16 That this is not always the case is apparent from our policy in cervical cancer screening , the bulk of which has occurred among young women , in whom the risk of dying of cervical cancer is substantially less than among older women , who have not been the focus of public screening policies for this disease .
17 This statement was not only made but meant , said Kogan , " When change has been positively mounted it has occurred through advisory teachers rather than inspectors , in-service training rather than managerially dominated systems " ( Kogan 1973:145 )
18 At times , as I have researched this book , it has occurred to me that the second-hand book world is the only place left in England where knowledge of anything but the latest semi-literate fads still exists .
19 However , it has occurred to us that to mention some of the unglamorous little things that can happen to you if you do n't might be highly effective in getting you to eat up your dietary fibre .
20 It has occurred to me to wonder what the previous experience has been of youngsters who savagely assault old people , whether they have ever been close to an old person .
21 It has occurred to you , Admiral Hawkins , that you might also be laying your own career on the line ? ’
22 It has occurred to me that other staff within the Royal Bank may be in a similar position to myself , holding a small number of shares which would cost more than their worth to sell .
23 It has occurred to some that Melibee too may be a self-mocking parody but to read the work like this is to read with little sensitivity .
24 This is not uncommon and it has occurred with many of the privatization issues in the equity market .
25 It has occurred at a time when expenditure on the CAP is again almost out of control and increasing all the time .
26 It has occurred in Lake Victoria in East Africa .
27 It has occurred in each month from October to June , but is most usually found between December and May , either wintering or on spring passage .
28 It might be said that if the police are aware that the procession is likely to take place because it has occurred in the past , the ‘ triggering ’ justification for requiring advance notice is satisfied , and the chief of police could require compliance by indicating to those who have organised such marches on previous occasions that he is prepared to use his powers under section 12 to ensure co-operation if necessary .
29 Arrested larvae accumulate during the spring and where Type II disease has been reported it has occurred in late summer or early autumn .
30 What has occurred to distress you ?
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