Example sentences of "[pron] be thus possible " in BNC.

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1 It is thus possible to see local politics in these years as having , in some degree , a life of its own ’ ( 1985a , pp. 82–3 ) .
2 It is thus possible to analyse factors in the situation , but not to make general statements about many aspects of the movement in population at this time .
3 It is thus possible that , just as we are suggesting for some of the other finds at Mycenae , it was taken from Knossos : if so , the implication is that other pieces of statuary and relief carving from Minoan Knossos were also removed — by some Mycenean equivalent of Lord Elgin , perhaps .
4 It is thus possible , indeed common , for each of two rival lineages to claim , as the British and Germans did in the First World War , that ‘ God is on our side ’ .
5 It is thus possible that the effect of the Great Conspiracy has been magnified in order to give Count Theodosius greater credibility in his programme of restoration .
6 It is thus possible that there exists today , in some archive , library or monastery in Ireland or Wales , a corpus of material comparable in value to the texts found at Nag Hammadi , or to the Dead Sea Scrolls .
7 It is thus possible to describe an assembly of entities making up a component as a set of elements , such as shown in Figure 2.2 , for both the geometry and the function .
8 It is thus possible to define the functioning relationships as attributes of the intersecting sub-spaces .
9 It is thus possible to conceive of certain functional properties that can be defined as being geometry controlling or geometry checking .
10 He is once referred to by the chronicler , Matthew Paris [ q.v. ] , as ‘ Master Longespee ’ and it is thus possible that he was a son of William Longespée , third Earl of Salisbury ( died 1226 , q.v. ) , who was Henry III 's uncle .
11 It is thus possible that Venus did once possess a large quantity of water .
12 From the number density of craters on these regions it is thus possible to establish the lunar cratering rate over a considerable period of time as shown in Figure 6.9 .
13 The theoretical territory attached to this hillfort , as suggested by Ian Burrow , is very similar to the land defined in the seventh-century charter , and it is thus possible that the estate of the hillfort persisted throughout the Roman period to emerge as a land unit belonging to Glastonbury Abbey until the sixteenth century .
14 It was previously suggested that fixed information will tend to be peripheral to the driving task and variable information is more likely to be central , it is thus possible that the amount of these types of information will constrain any effects of attention focusing .
15 It is thus possible to describe the types of information which are most clearly central and peripheral with respect to this definition .
16 It is thus possible that if the splanchnic vasodilation could be overcome , there could be an amelioration in the systemic and renal circulation .
17 It is thus possible that the two exchangers have distinct functional roles and are selectively regulated .
18 It is thus possible that the α 1 AT gene is a susceptibility locus for alcohol induced liver damager .
19 It is thus possible that most of the tissue damage is caused by neutrophils generating free oxygen radicals and releasing lysosomal enzymes when in contact with a chemoattractant within the lumina propria .
20 It is thus possible to see why , although the Suez affair brought about so dramatic a collision between the two governments , the damage in practice was not lasting .
21 It is thus possible that in the course of the next few years Council will assign the headship for a period to the holder of the Halford Mackinder Professorship , who will among those carrying an obligation to serve if so requested .
22 It is thus possible to find cases where a final plosive becomes a fricative or nasal ( e.g. ‘ that side ’ , ‘ good night ’ ) , but most unlikely that a final fricative or nasal would become a plosive .
23 It was thus possible to assemble a bridge pier and lower it complete onto the river bed .
24 It was thus possible to write a program that allocated scores to all the possible legal moves in a given position .
25 It was thus possible to balance the attraction of the matter with the repulsion of the cosmological term .
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