Example sentences of "[verb] be exposed to " in BNC.

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1 In our case I believe it has helped all three of us. has been exposed to a greater variety of people and situations which may have contributed to his easy-going nature .
2 Below each panel is a similar transgenic embryo at the same stage and plane of view which has been exposed to RA ( a'-f' ) .
3 Cotinine in the urine is a reliable indicator that the subject has been exposed to passive smoking .
4 Famed for its gentle , artistic people and elaborately performed ceremonies , the Island of the Gods , Lombok is a mere fifteen minute flight from Bali , but unlike her close sister , this island has been exposed to few tourists .
5 This is not an exact method as the rate of fading is determined by the length of time a rug has been exposed to the light and by the intensity of the light source .
6 A premise is that the infant has been exposed to virtually all possible feelings by the time he or she goes to school .
7 Two random facts : by the age of 16 , the average North American youth has been exposed to more than 300,000 television commercials ; and the Soviet Union is now selling advertising slots on cosmonaut suits and space ships !
8 THE closed world of special hospitals has been exposed to unusual public scrutiny since last year 's outcry over conditions at Ashworth , Merseyside .
9 Yet it is probably fair to suggest that few people could have been immune from the implications of the party struggle at Westminster , since decisions taken by the central government often had a direct affect on ordinary people 's lives , and few people could have avoided being exposed to the political controversies of the day through the various media of propaganda .
10 Also , while being transported by wind , it will have been exposed to sunlight for a considerable time prior to deposition .
11 The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that stable workers could have been exposed to as much as 190 times the acceptable daily intake .
12 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
13 We may also have been exposed to the virus in the past through blood transfusion or donor inseminations .
14 It is understandable to be worried and scared if you think you might have been exposed to HIV .
15 Indeed there have been several recent cases ( for example , ones involving alleged sexual abuse ) in which wide-ranging injunctions have been issued to protect the welfare of children who may otherwise have been exposed to unwelcome publicity .
16 Being in London , he could exploit both the court and the merchant community as patrons , and would have been exposed to the new developments in surveying in the published works of Leonard and Thomas Digges [ qq.v. ] and others .
17 Young may have been exposed to Palmer 's ideas while a student of G. C. Lichtenberg in Göttingen .
18 But how could she have been exposed to radiation ? ’
19 In the case of black speakers , because LE is almost certainly their dominant language , though they may have been exposed to Creole first ; at any rate , the possibility that these occasional " Creolisms " are due to a carry-over from the " mother tongue " remains doubtful and unproven .
20 People living near about 50 American weapons manufacturing and testing sites may also have been exposed to carcinogenic radiation , the fund said .
21 It follows the publication of medical research which says men who 've worked for the Atomic Energy Authority and may have been exposed to certain radioactive materials have more than twice the normal risk of developing prostate cancer .
22 People in northern climes , on the other hand , are unlikely to have been exposed to leprosy in every-day life and a positive result in the test is bound to be due to vaccination .
23 Those of my readers who are young enough to have been exposed to " modern mathematics ' at school , and for whom it " took " , will be familiar already with the essentials of this rather sophisticated notion .
24 Around 450,000 people are estimated to have been exposed to radioactive emissions from the Mayak plant near Chelyabinsk ( which still produces plutonium and reprocesses waste ) in the 1940s and 50s .
25 Dr Kinlen says children in densely populated urban areas are likely to have been exposed to the infectious agent and built up an immunity to it .
26 It is made clear that the boy was exposed to serious danger by his father 's irresponsibility and by his sisters ' departure : but his sisters had been exposed to this father too , and had had to defend themselves .
27 Still other male mice spent a single four-hour period inhaling nitrous oxide before being put with females ( none of which had been exposed to hazardous chemicals ) .
28 Though clearly , whatever the logic of the situation , Hitler could still rely upon substantial bonds of undying allegiance among his most loyal supporters , especially of course those who for years had been exposed to the full brunt of Party organization and indoctrination , there seems little doubt that the mass base of unquestioned trust in Hitler was already in 1942 beginning to give way .
29 Within six matches Schmeichel had been exposed to the Wimbledon approach and survived .
30 On 19 July Roberts and Cross wrote to Dr John Lawrence at SWWA suggesting that the public had been exposed to a more serious hazard than had been admitted : they were told that they could meet Lawrence but he would give them no information .
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