Example sentences of "[verb] be less likely " in BNC.

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1 Women in particular may realize that the kind of relationships they have enjoyed are less likely to come their way once they reach middle age .
2 Babies that are breastfed are less likely to fall victim to gastro-enteritis , respiratory infections and glue ear .
3 One study of women whose pregnancies had run to 41 weeks or more showed that those who were induced were less likely to have a Caesarian .
4 Responses that are not rewarded are less likely to be performed again .
5 The majority of rooms are shared by two students , and applications from new postgraduates unwilling to share are less likely to be successful .
6 Yet he was also obstinate , even perverse ; his translations would have been less likely to have been seized by the authorities had they not been accompanied by the contentious marginal comments .
7 ‘ And marriage itself might have been a useful bit of insurance for Gustav : her relatives or guardians would have been less likely to inform on her husband than on some passing stranger who could get his trousers open in Olympic time . ’
8 They have fewer opportunities than men to be nourished by their work , since they are more often involved in dull and repetitive jobs ; secondly , the domestic and nurturing skills in which they have usually been trained are held in lower esteem both in the home and in the workplace than administrative or management skills , so what they do is less likely to receive praise ; lastly , they are conditioned to value praise from men more highly than praise from women , who are more often their colleagues or first-level bosses .
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