Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] into believing " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly , when you meet work colleagues and friends , your springy step must be able to bluff them into believing that you could have managed two laps of the course .
2 While the war continued I could ( almost ) fool myself into believing that I was like those other women who were merely separated from their men ‘ for the duration ’ — or , if not that , at least I felt that my life was suspended .
3 On the other hand if I am in a drama experience my own actions and things about me may trap me into believing I am in an actual event .
4 I believe he continued to treat her long after he needed to , that he misled her into believing such treatment was necessary and that he faked his file notes accordingly . ’
5 She 's brainwashed herself into believing otherwise , ’ he declared with conviction .
6 Blessed for a military man with unusual fluency with the pen , Lugard brought to this task a literary energy and a crusading passion which seem to have mesmerized those who heard him into believing that a discovery of the first importance in the field of imperial administration had just been made .
7 If the adventurers can trick him into believing that , for example , his Master is in danger and they are here to help , then Gerd will be very eager to assist them , and he does know his way around the dungeons rather well .
8 ‘ We talked ourselves into believing that those gaunt , tight-lipped men in caps and mufflers were round the corner and tailored our policy to match these imaginary conditions . ’
9 Wider and wider yet spread the waves of ecstasy , fooling her into believing that the limit had been reached , then carrying her on further into a boundless realm .
10 It is n't that God has hoodwinked us into believing , as if rationality were the bait and mystery the hook .
11 Miss Vine 's budgerigar Beano died that night , and so did old Miss Trimm , a favourite teacher once in Dynmouth Primary , whose declining years had tricked her into believing she 'd mothered another son of God .
12 THE Tory politicians have talked about the need for action on the drift-netting problem but achieved nothing for , as is par for Westminster course , when they say something they delude themselves into believing that they have done something .
13 There are people , ’ said the Norse troll , burning into sudden antagonistic fervour across his cavern-desk , ‘ who hypnotise themselves into believing that they are going to live for ever . ’
14 Efforts to do so are misplaced and can positively mislead us into believing in the efficacy of the internal organization of the structure of the company as a means of legitimating corporate managerial power .
15 Have you forgotten how easy it is to delude yourself into believing you are in love ?
16 Do n't fool yourself into believing that it is politics , ’ he wrote .
17 Most people had come to understand the danger posed by Hitler 's Germany ; but they decided to delude themselves into believing that giving him Austria and Czechoslovakia would buy him off .
18 Let us hope then that England produce a performance of such mind-bending awfulness in order to succumb to this dodgy outfit , who probably ca n't believe that they are still in with a shout , and may thus fool themselves into believing that this is their year … at least until they hear the result from Turkey .
19 he conned them into believing he was really into Scientology .
20 The woman was more concerned with gathering evidence for her divorce than with the truth , and she was determined to browbeat everyone into believing her .
21 Apparently industrialised nations and their politicians torture themselves into believing that if Third World countries are turned into amphitheatres of food and agricultural research , lustily cheered on and abetted by Western ‘ gurus ’ , everything will be hunky-dory .
22 They are lulling me into believing that they suspect nothing , so that they can catch us together .
23 When Lord Hunter asked those officers who could have planted the incriminating pieces of paper in the pocket of Griffiths 's overcoat ( which he was n't wearing that night ) and all of them , as one would expect , denied it , he could then delude himself into believing that no planting had taken place .
24 The veneer of sophistication , her throw-away attitude of laissez-faire , had deceived him into believing she had shared his own amoral values .
25 They are in danger of becoming complacent now that we have reached welcome lower levels of inflation , and are lulling themselves into believing that the problem has been ’ licked ’ .
26 These guitars represent total design philosophies , not marketing exercises where a manufacturer or ad agency has tried to hoodwink us into believing the instrument really is different because its headstock is slightly more rounded than the Ibanez — or whatever other triviality they 've come up with that month .
27 Wealth , on the other hand , by the power it bestows , deceives us into believing that we depend on ourselves only .
28 ‘ You wanted to trick us into believing that it was ! ’
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