Example sentences of "[noun] since [pers pn] left " in BNC.

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1 Trevor joined Templeton in 1971 , having already worked with both carpets and rugs since he left the R.A.F. in 1947 .
2 You 've been the very opery since we left Kilkeel . ’
3 This whole process gave my life an additional fullness which has gone on gathering momentum since I left school .
4 ‘ It wo n't have been on a weighing machine since it left the village where it was grown . ’
5 Little has done an excellent job at Filbert Street since he left Darlington last summer .
6 It 's only two days since you left !
7 One or another young kid has been watching this place since I left .
8 I do n't think he 's played with a band since he left , as he 's responsible for almost all the instruments on his solo album .
9 For me , a highlight of this time was a weekend visit from a college friend , whom I 've only seen once in the forty-three years since we left college .
10 It is already sixteen years since we left London specifically to help put Norfolk on the map in the Medau world .
11 For Ellen Musialela , Acting Secretary for the SWAPO Women 's Council , this year it will be 21 years since she left her home in the Caprivi Strip to join SWAPO 's armed struggle for liberation .
12 It was a goal of the highest class , reflecting the progress the 29-year-old striker has made in the five years since he left Blundell Park to earn fame and fortune with Norwich City and Rangers .
13 Pinchbeck acknowledges that in the five years since he left , Magnus has undergone interesting change .
14 ‘ What you seem to forget is that it 's on sixteen years since you left this house .
15 They say the stage is a respectable profession nowadays , well maybe it is , but I ca n't think it 's changed all that much in the five years since I left .
16 I have n't had a job since I left university .
17 worked a day since he left the skill .
18 He made no comment on Lesley 's invitation and Charlotte 's acceptance of it , none on the curious complexities which had confounded their own relationship since they left ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ two hours and more ago .
19 Just after the end of our period , in the late 1150s , the celebrated intellectual and letter writer John of Salisbury recounted his travels : ‘ ten times have I crossed the chain of the Alps since I left England first ; twice have I travelled through Apulia ; I have done business often in the Roman court on behalf of my superiors and friends ; and on a variety of counts I have traversed England , and France too , many times . ’
20 My scoring output since I left Leicester has n't been good — but after that goal against Liverpool maybe I can start improving . ’
21 For the last decade , such accolades have been heard more rarely since Mr Swinton chose a hermit 's life in the West Country and no paintings of his have come before the Selection Committee at the Royal Academy since he left London .
22 ‘ And there 's been another visitor since you left . ’
23 This month has gone so quickly it 's difficult to believe it 's over a month since we left the U.K.
24 I 've got two years superannuation to come , and I 've saved a bit since I left home .
25 ‘ It 's getting on for an hour since we left Cartier . ’
26 Just when it seemed that a try would be too much to hope for after 30 tedious minutes , the crowd were treated to two first-class efforts , from Ledger and Fox , playing his first game at Hilton Park since he left Leigh for Leeds three years ago .
27 ‘ It 's an hour and ten minutes since I left you here with Jane Austen .
28 I had noticed it several times since I left the Monogram Building .
29 We 've all worked in these slate mines since we left school .
30 There have been two additions to his life since I left .
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