Example sentences of "[noun] off the back " in BNC.

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1 A 40-year-old man with a long history of schizophrenia was arrested in a public car park while attempting to break into a car to steal a blanket off the back seat .
2 As he crouched behind her , mopping the blood off the back of her thighs , he could feel his erection returning .
3 She 's she 's looked then she 's taken her eyes off the back .
4 Lean forward as you rise As in the beach start , by leaning down on a straight front arm you are taking the weight off the back of the board and putting it on the mast foot .
5 Raising the rig ( Figs 55 & 56 ) The main points here are to swim vigorously into wind , which will help release the water off the back of the sail , and lift the sail upwards and diagonally into the wind .
6 Yeah , take quarter an inch off the back .
7 ‘ I do n't want him to take the ball off the back four and stroll around in areas where play might break down .
8 Thieves helped themselves to a number of televisions off the back of a lorry parked at Woodside Cafe , at Knayton , near Thirsk , while the driver had his breakfast .
9 The disappointing slowness of the pitch allowed both openers to play Malcolm off the back foot , and therefore to drive his attempted yorkers .
10 The two-layered paper had spilled in a heap off the back of the printer .
11 David hauled their luggage off the back seat and Bill drove off .
12 Offsetting this cost is the possibility for some to make their own developments off the back of previous transfers of knowledge .
13 And now we 've got ‘ Boom Boom ’ back in the charts off the back of a jeans ad .
14 She got the revolver off the back seat and put it into the glove compartment with the cartridges .
15 ‘ Mick gets all his information off the back of cigarette cards . ’
16 Yeah I do n't want a lot off the back mind Sue , then it can grow .
17 ‘ All I wanted on behalf of the team was the opportunity to qualify for the European Cup final off the back of our last two Champions League matches , ’ said the manager .
18 However , it was encouraging to see Wayne Pollock get on the score sheet in his debut match with a goal off the back of his head as he stood watching a flock of swans fly overhead .
19 Erlich took his raincoat off the back seat , the heavy Burberry that he had paid a fortune for in Rome .
20 I asked her to meet the press off the back of the BAC One-Eleven as it came to a stop in front of us .
21 Geoff Shingles , who , legend has it , sold Digital Equipment Corp minis off the back of his motorbike in the pioneering days , is to resign his post as chief executive of the UK subsidiary at the end of the year , but will retain the post of chairman ; the company is looking for a successor as chief executive .
22 Jessamy heaved her bag of sketch-pads and pencils off the back seat , then turned to Julius .
23 ‘ OK , here we are , ’ Sadat says unnecessarily , and pulls his bag off the back seat and gets out of the car .
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