Example sentences of "[noun] have fallen behind " in BNC.

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1 Her handbag had fallen behind the car seat when she 'd stopped at the traffic lights in town so several minutes were lost as she scrabbled for her pass , then when she drove into the car park she could n't immediately find a space and had to drive round several times .
2 He 'd never thought that you could shiver in a desert , but it was late afternoon and the sun had fallen behind the hills and a chill wind cut across the graves .
3 When the driver spotted the mother and the boy on the tracks , the mother had actually already reached the other side , but the little boy had fallen behind his mother and was still on the tracks .
4 It seems that matters have fallen behind schedule and need to be put back on the rails .
5 The defeat brought home in the most devastating fashion just how far the Empire 's development had fallen behind that of her Great Power rivals in the West .
6 By this time professional cricketers ' earnings had fallen behind average manual wages .
7 ‘ Along with the pay of other Civil Servants ’ , he says , ‘ mine has fallen behind inflation over the last few years .
8 But he does not believe the English game has fallen behind technically , simply because of the Eighties ban from club competition , saying : ‘ After six years out of Europe our national side finished in the semi-finals of the World Cup .
9 The progressing of orders through the production process is essentially a monitoring and reporting task , which also involves some ‘ chasing-up ’ of progress in situations where orders have fallen behind schedule .
10 In recent years , teachers ' salaries have fallen behind those of other non-manual workers .
11 Let us look now at what can happen when the ‘ top-down ’ view that children should learn to ‘ predict their way through a text ’ — is put into action with children whose reading has fallen behind even average expectation .
12 ‘ Irish League fans should n't worry too much that their clubs have fallen behind those in the League of Ireland .
13 ‘ Irish League fans should n't worry too much that their clubs have fallen behind those in the League of Ireland .
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