Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] lived " in BNC.

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1 But the woman who was born the youngest of seven children in Tiger Bay in Cardiff has always lived life to the full .
2 According to this book , contributions of goodness have been made to the Created God , albeit unknowingly , by the countless thousands of individuals who , through many centuries have deliberately lived their lives constantly expanding , supporting and practising those human traits universally acknowledged as virtues .
3 Min Chong had also lived in China for many years and had taken part in the Long March .
4 The eighteenth-century Château de Remaisnil is magnificent by any standards ; it was by far the grandest home the Ashleys had yet lived in and it presented them with numerous challenges of a personal and artistic nature , not least of which was learning to speak French .
5 Each was in an envelope ; the envelopes all bore Boy 's name , and the addresses of the twelve different places in which Boy had briefly lived since he had arrived in the city , before he had managed to get this place where he was resident now .
6 Unlike many of my black informants , this boy had actually lived in the Caribbean for five years : between the ages of three and six in his mother 's country , Jamaica , and later , when he was of school age , for two years in St Vincent .
7 She 'd tacked a few scraps of old cotton into a baby-gown too and sent it round next door for the new Rattrie baby , born very inconveniently , as it turned out , the day after the funeral , her fit of generosity entirely misplaced , since the child had only lived a few hours and the gown — upon which Odette had worked a few hasty stitches of embroidery — had ended up in the pawnshop — Cara had seen it herself in the window — to help pay , she supposed , for yet another infantile disposal .
8 His name was Mason , and he had just returned from the West Indies , where Mr Rochester had once lived .
9 By the time she met Yeats , Maud had already lived a little .
10 The cats in question have never lived near the new home and do not have any knowledge of the new locality .
11 Ted has always lived for others .
12 Christians had always lived — like most late antique people — in a universe which included an unseen world as large and as varied as the visible .
13 The annual additional cost of such accommodation should be taken as 2 per cent of the difference between the capital cost of the special accommodation , and the net proceeds of sale of the property in which the plaintiff had previously lived .
14 She settled in a four-roomed cottage with a garden at No. 13 Rue Norvins , where Zola had once lived .
15 People paid their debts and when they needed help , they asked and it was never refused ; it was the way that the small and widespread community had always lived , and as a system it was dignified and efficient .
16 We in Canada have always lived with the imperialism of both the British and the Americans .
17 These Pontian Greeks had originally lived on the southern coast of the Black Sea ( called Euxinos Pontos or Hospitable Sea in ancient Greek ) .
18 Although he was married to OONAGH , the most beautiful woman to have ever lived , he frequently gave chase to pretty mortal maids and carried them off to his royal chambers .
19 Although intellectuals had always lived dangerously under Nicholas , they had never been silenced altogether .
20 She was virtually retired these days , her hotel ( where Coffin had once lived ) turned into small flats over whose tenants she kept a stern eye .
21 But , but it is n't in , in , in that people have never lived er according to er christian philosophy or indeed
22 Morrissey has always lived and breathed poignancy , always secretly treasured the gulf between himself and the loved one , the difference that makes love possible but makes possession illusory , a delusion , so that , in the end , we are all unrequited lovers .
23 Despite her previous marriage , Æthelthryth had always lived as a virgin and was determined to remain one , retiring altogether to live as a nun in Coldingham about 672 .
24 Out there in the gathering darkness was the tenement where Rob had once lived with his mother and brothers .
25 The number of species of animals and plants living today runs into millions , and similar numbers of species have probably lived on earth for at least part of the earth 's history .
26 He lives in Stepney — the Stavangers have always lived in Stepney .
27 Great-grandfather or great-great-grandfather bought the house , and the head of the shipping line has always lived there , even when most of the neighbourhood became a slum .
28 The main population of the city has always lived in Pest but after the Mongol invasion of 1241 , a citadel was built on the hills opposite , since known as castle hill .
29 Benjamin had just lived long enough to see the first of his children married : Ella Frances May Titford 's wedding had taken place on 26 August 1905 , in that very church in which her father was to collapse eight days later .
30 Jenny had always lived with her parents , and even at the age of twenty-five , she was still tied to the apron strings .
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