Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] nothing but " in BNC.

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1 Of those ( 6 of the 30 ) who said they read a lot of SF or nothing but SF , all but one replied that the passage was SF .
2 A personal problem you thought would be a bed of nails and nothing but a whole heap of hassles and troubles will actually be your big chance to show off your brilliant brain , sensitive nature and warm hearted generosity .
3 CONTRACT caterers are sick and tired of the industry-wide view of their sector as nothing but company canteens peopled by ‘ Doris-the-dinner-lady ’ .
4 It 's like umbilical cords and nothing but .
5 You want the hole truth and nothing but ?
6 I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give is shall be truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
7 I swear to almighty god that the evidence I shall give in this court shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
8 Few witnesses in court refuse ‘ to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth ’ on the grounds that they do n't know what the truth is or how to tell it .
9 He examined her , as though her skin , her eyelashes , her hair , could tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
10 This time he 's going to tell the whole truth and nothing but . ’
11 ‘ Your turn to answer questions , with the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth . ’
12 Swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but
13 And erm , the the Clerk was in a flat spin , because he had n't got a card , which said , I affirm that , what I say is the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , and the recorder himself was was about
14 Bertrand Tavernier and Philippe Noiret — Life and Nothing But
15 The Independent has free tickets to offer for : Shirley Valentine ( 2 pairs ) ; Monkeyshines ( 5 pairs ) ; and Life And Nothing But ( 5 pairs ) .
16 Recommended films in London : Kieslowski 's A Short Film About Killing , Greenaway 's The Cook The Thief His Wife And Her Lover , Soderbergh 's sex , lies and videotape , Russell 's The Rainbow , Phil Noyce 's Dead Calm , Spike Lee 's Do the Right Thing , Kenneth Branagh 's Henry V and Bertrand Tavernier 's Life And Nothing But .
17 Best films around London include Greenaway 's The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover , Soderburgh 's sex , lies and videotape , Kieslowski 's Short Film About a Killing , Branagh 's Henry V , Lehmann 's Heathers , Tavernier 's Life and Nothing But and Peter Weir 's Dead Poets Society .
18 Sabine Azema in Bertrand Tavernier 's Life and Nothing But : see Critic 's choice
19 Between the blackout point and the whiteout point the light intensity should have no effect with a perfect device , which should ‘ see ’ the whole subject and nothing but the subject .
20 FILM CHOICE Love and nothing but
21 Roots had split the ground in places , and the thickest of these jarred the Toyota so hard that Diane had an uneasy vision of the entire truck falling apart as every spot-weld gave at once , leaving her sitting in the driver 's seat with the steering wheel in her hands and nothing but open air all around .
22 I just want someone to know that this — all this stuff — has been a burden and nothing but a burden from start to finish , and that I feel no twinge of regret at coming out of that place , and that I shall never go back into it , ever , so help me Frederica Potter .
23 It takes about seven to nine hours before nothing but ashes remain , ’ Coetzee notes .
24 As far as these cats were concerned , I have little doubt that nothing but positive r reinforcement would have been given because if they had been punished they simply would n't have done it , and they would have run away and it 's very much more difficult as a as a performer to have an animal w is n't going to want to do the act .
25 Wark , at 35 still a major influence at Ipswich , has faith in fellow Scot Brian McClair and nothing but admiration for youngster Giggs .
26 The motherboard should get to a BIOS setup screen if nothing but the power supply and video card is connected .
27 I eat lots of vegetables and salads and nothing but fruit and juices in the morning .
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