Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pos pn] kin " in BNC.

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1 Remissions for crime , given as part of the justice of the feud when the victims of the crime or their kin had been satisfied , were not in fact a sign of weakness on the part of the crown , forced to acquiesce with an aristocracy resistant to justice , as the author of ‘ L'Etat et puissance ’ had suggested ; they were the crown 's part in a highly effective means of controlling crime , dispute and disorder .
2 He argues that as the economy modernised and more and more women left their rural communities and their kin to seek employment in the cities , so they left behind ‘ traditional values ’ that stressed that pre-marital sex was wrong .
3 The hope was that whoever followed Hannah would respect the character of Low Birk Hatt and , to some extent , carry on the way of life of the Hauxwells and their kin , the only family to have previously lived there .
4 Thus in many African " marriage " institutions , in their traditional form , the husband and his kin made substantial payments in cattle to the male kin of the bride .
5 African bridewealth " marriage " establishes an enduring relationship between the husband and his kin on the one side and the bride and her kin on the other . "
6 In Æthelred 's reign Ramsey was patronised by Ealdorman Æthelwine of East Anglia and his relatives , Ely by Ealdorman Brihtnoth and his kin .
7 Qureshi and Simon 's ( 1987 ) work , on exchanges of assistance between elderly people and their kin , and Wilson 's ( 1987 ) findings on grandparents ' support for their grandchildren , both show that women as well as men give economic support to younger generations , but there are some gender differences in the type of support given .
8 African bridewealth " marriage " establishes an enduring relationship between the husband and his kin on the one side and the bride and her kin on the other . "
9 Or by the women or their kin themselves ?
10 If one enters this part of the town from the west , past the Roman amphitheatre which fell on evil days in the Middle Ages when theatrical spectacles were banned — but has now revived its ancient beauty and a part of its function , as a setting for Aida and her kin — the road leads through a Roman gate , perfectly preserved , into the ancient grid of streets , laid down by Roman town planners in the first century B.C. and little altered .
11 Chiaro herself notes the " What do you get if you cross " formula only indirectly , and then in its " adult " variation as exploited for sexual innuendo by The Two Ronnies ( p. 72 ) : What is particularly characteristic of elephant-jokes and their kin is not only their proneness to formulae , but also their semantic anomaly .
12 It was written out of deep respect for the victims and their kin , and The Smiths felt it was an important enough song to put on their last single even though it had already been released on L.P. In a word it is a memorial to the children and all like them who have sufferered such a fate .
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