Example sentences of "where my " in BNC.

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1 I stop these couple of young kids and ask them where my home is , but they just laugh at me .
2 ‘ We had the flowers where my baby was . ’
3 But mostly I imagined you asleep , left utterly to yourself in a situation where my own absence from your life did not matter :
4 O'Sullivan , who in 1837 founded The US Magazine and Democratic Review , to which Poe was a contributor , later became American Minister in Lisbon , where my grandfather stayed with him .
5 ‘ I did n't know where my husband had got to , that 's all . ’
6 That 's where my heart is .
7 ‘ They grew — that 's where my interest began ! ’
8 North , it seemed , was where my feet were .
9 That 's where my Aunt Clarabel lives .
10 ‘ I do not know where my wife is , I only wish I did , ’ Carter was replying to the constable 's question .
11 So I drove back across the whole of the county , from Banbury to Henley to return to Windsor , where my parents were spending the summer with us , and looked forward to telling them the news .
12 That 's where my chequebook is . ’
13 It 's where my roots are you might say .
14 In the remarks that follow I offer some answers to these questions , make some scattered observations about how these answers relate to concerns about the environment , and indicate where my own sympathies lie .
15 Last window on the right , that 's where my bed was .
16 I slip round to where my hand finds the iron handle .
17 He went to Poole , where my Aunt and her family lived and , on one occasion walked down the High Street wearing Chinese garb and sporting a pigtail .
18 From there , we took an open top bus to Tottenham where my Uncle Arthur lived with his wife , Aunt Annie .
19 One day , we paid a visit to Blackpool , where my cousins took me , much against my wishes , on a water chute .
20 By means of the Alexander Technique I have acquired an awareness of where my body is in space which means I am now able to control my muscle tension by means of my brain ; this is essential if I was ever to maintain a posture without straining my body unconsciously .
21 This is where my parents and my girlfriend Mandy were really magnificent ; without them I would not have made it into 1986 .
22 I could n't find out anything about him , not even where he lived , though I told him my entire address ( 17 Daffodil Cottages , Bourton-on-the-Water ) and my age ( nineteen ) and that my parents were in Saudi Arabia where my father was computerising oil production .
23 In the council tip with everyone 's old baked-bean tins , that 's where my dreams are .
24 When the over ended he took the umpire aside and explained ‘ I have two artificial hips and I do not really know where my feet are going to land ’ — he was given a special Man of the Match award .
25 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
26 I tell them I 'm the Conductor , tell them where my office is , tell them if they 've any problems to bring them to me . ’
27 In all the tanks where my fish are housed a small terracotta saucer is placed on to the bottom where the food is placed , this does help when it comes to cleaning the uneaten food off the aquarium bottom .
28 But the thumb and fingers was not where my head was at , really , even though I was a great Chet Atkins fan , and Merle Travis and all those guys .
29 If I felt like I could write enough songs for a record that were good , I would , but it 's not where my real talent is .
30 ‘ I still had to get to New York where my plane was due to leave in about two hours . ’
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