Example sentences of "still [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 But as I say , we can take the plates off the screen underneath here but I mean I think you still ought to have another bloke
2 Still may our hearts respond with one accord —
3 If the patient has been seeing a physiotherapist privately , it still may be necessary to involve a second , specialist physiotherapist , if the patient stops progressing .
4 Obviously in the winter it still may not provide enough and will have to be supplemented with concentrates and this assumes that the pasture has been well maintained and is not overstocked .
5 In addition , I had hoped to put in motion programmes in 3 separate areas and I hope that they still may be started in the not too distant future .
6 However , if you merely ask for a repetition of the number , it still may not be clear if it is fourteen or forty .
7 I still may die , although I ca n't really believe it .
8 Team nursing moves nearer to seeing the individuals as the client but still may have some allegiance to the organisation .
9 We still may not know who gave orders and made guide sketches — and Professor Alexander is extremely cautious in references to heads of workshops and their assistants — but the fact that such marks exist at all will send us all back to gazing into the parchment margins beside initials .
10 But it still may not be enough .
11 But this information still may not get through .
12 Others still may be associated with specific circumstances ; but we must remember that every problem is founded upon the impact of circumstance on the personality of the individual or persons concerned , so that earlier experience may again be involved .
13 However , although this still may be effective in the less-developed world where about 50 per cent of the world 's labour force are still engaged in agriculture ( Grigg , 1976 ) it can no longer be used in the developed world for , as the next section shows , primary employment in most western countries has fallen below 10 or even 5 per cent .
14 Even where part-time ( and full-time ) workers earn above the limit , they still may be disqualified from unemployment benefit unless they can satisfy the DSS that they can make adequate care arrangements for children or an elderly/sick person within twenty-four hours of finding a job .
15 Similarly , science may describe what electricity , gravity or radiation do and we can use them reliably in practical applications , but we still may not be able to describe precisely what they are .
16 even if there is perfect symmetry in the utility function between antecedents and descendants and no uncertainty , there still may be constraints on the private transfer of income ( wealth ) among generations .
17 Even if the seller has every intention of supplying the buyer with the 12 bottles currently in stock , it still may not be a contract for the sale of specific goods .
18 Erm , rather than , so people may , may make rational decisions and this is what Harrison were taking about is that , erm , it still may be rational to move , even though there 's very high unemployment , alright , simply because people may accept a period of erm , of unemployment if it means that they , in the long run , obtain a , a relatively high paid job .
19 ‘ They still may have to amputate , ’ said David quietly .
20 But even if the rules of set aside were changed to allow travellers to stay one the land … they still may not be welcome .
21 He lost a leg and still may lose an arm from that attack .
22 In 1939 when I arrived with my gas mask from Newcastle they lived in a farm in the grounds of a castle in what was then called Cumberland ( and still should be ) .
23 Consequently , there were counter-proposals that within the new organisation there still should be some kind of authoritative institution that would represent the interests of the participating states .
24 ‘ It still should n't be that difficult to find out if the place has been tampered with , ’ Charlotte said .
25 This was before all this publicity , like , but she still should have been sussed out .
26 The goal was nt a direct result of his actions … the free kick was near the touchline and some 18 yrds from the dead ball line — something we still should have dealt with .
27 but United still should have won … after going a goal down skipper Derek Hall pulled them level and on chances it was Hereford 's game …
28 He still should of left the key here I mean there 's no
29 Like you go , even saying I did serve quite a bit faster than her , which I do like , you know she still should o i if the bar done seven fifty she should have , she should have done what two , three and a half ?
30 So it sho still should only be the two pound out .
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