Example sentences of "must still " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It must still be pretty expensive , though ? ’
2 With no airbrake the glider will float some distance even at low speed , and it must still be held off for a proper touchdown .
3 He tried to visualize its brown wooden bottom — he could not — there must still have been at least one sheet there .
4 This is not much help because ( a ) later-developing concepts must still on the representational theory of the mind be present in these primitive concepts ( there are no merely potential competences such as my potential but non-existing competence to know Portuguese ) ; and ( b ) how and where do we draw the line between the primitive concepts and the developed ones ?
5 The new decision does not let Hampshire off the hook — the county must still find room for 66,500 new homes — but it accedes to the county 's own view that it can find the space more sensibly outside the north-east or central parts of the county .
6 ‘ We must still trust the market at the end of the day .
7 Deny them this participation of freedom , and you break that sole bond which originally made , and must still preserve , the unity of the empire .
8 But they must still rely on the banks satisfying that demand by lending more — and the banks may not oblige .
9 Second , the studio must still meet heavy interest payments until it can reduce its debt .
10 Astronomers may travel into the depths of space and time , but on their return they must still convince their colleagues of the truth of what they saw .
11 Yet I must still think it my duty , without reconsidering whether or not it be worthwhile , to continue this plain record of what ( I know ) need not have been plain but for the accident that I am a niggler without impulse , not an imaginative artist .
12 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
13 But traces of it remain , since a jury must still be asked not merely whether the reasonable man would be provoked to lose self-control , but also ‘ whether he would react to the provocation as the accused did ’ .
14 Later it was even specified that should there be for any reason no foreskin to sever , blood must still be made to flow for a rite to be effected and for the individual to enter the covenant .
15 It sounds like the Sugarhill Gang must still be in Tokyo .
16 Their place in a group dominated by the Catholics no doubt reflected the regent 's desire for consent from Catholic and protestant alike ; and as yet she saw little reason to fear the Protestants , who must still have seemed to her far less of a threat than the strong Huguenot party in France .
17 Galleries should be avoided , to get away from the idea of a theatre with an audience watching an actor but the pulpit must still remain the central feature .
18 He must still be in with a chance of making the tour — although Andy Gregory 's 11th-hour decision to put himself in the frame must have reduced the odds somewhat .
19 Olney , Villa 's gangling striker , must still be wondering how he failed to score when following up his header against an upright from Richardson 's free-kick .
20 Notts County1 Coventry0 A BIZARRE goal two minutes from time against fellow-strugglers Coventry gave Notts County their first win in 16 games , though they must still be in grave danger of relegation .
21 There must still be some people alive who recall going on to a Sunday School outing from Leicester to Foxton ; parties would travel to Market Harborough by train and either by boat or cart to Foxton .
22 If continued taking of the medicine does not produce remedy symptoms then the patient must still have a disease/energy disturbance that matches the disease producing capacity of the remedy .
23 Such a chimney should always be ventilated by an air grill at its base and the pot should be protected from rain entering , though any cover must still allow the chimney to breathe .
24 While Ormrod J. 's attempt to identify a single definitive criterion for the notion of marriage may falter , there must still be certain negative definitive criteria setting the proper limits of the concept .
25 Where the interest is that of a shareholder and the total nominal value of the shares does not exceed £1,000 or one-hundredth part of the total nominal value of the issue share capital ( whichever is the less ) , the interest must still be disclosed , but the prohibition on taking part in the discussion and voting does not apply .
26 There must still be some mistake .
27 There is nothing I can do about that for he harms himself , but I must still behave like a dutiful son and observe a son 's obligations . ’
28 We will not go into great detail on the dangers of using statistics here but merely point to some precautions which must still be taken even when using statistics which are generally regarded as reliable .
29 Even when the notation of early scores is open to interpretative prejudice , one must still ultimately work from a prepared text .
30 ‘ We must still go , ’ she said .
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