Example sentences of "even one " in BNC.

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1 But late night Jay tore into the poem , words flowing like wine from an oak cask , and — what the hell ? — redeemed by the dawn spring of Lucy 's eyes , she put the poem in an envelope , avoided Francis 's deep meaningful questions : this love had no confidantes , not even one as well known and sweet as he .
2 Too many people have forgotten that a bid , even one opposed by directors , is simply an offer to buy shares , not a struggle to the death .
3 In any case the richer you are the less likely you are to realize how cold-hearted the world can be when you are old and penniless — even one 's own relations . ’
4 He had a better Helper , even one who is Almighty !
5 Even one so sprightly … . ’
6 He wondered , briefly , whether it would be repulsive making love to an intersex , even one whose enhancements were as familiar to him as Zambia 's .
7 Even one may be too many .
8 One Keighley mill warper 's wife found herself with four to care for ; and even one could stir up great resentment .
9 One must be worthy , an intense purity and refinement of thought is required , even one might say a kind of holiness . ’
10 Rousseau misses the point that direct experience is often inadequate as direct experience : an actual motor-car engine , even one that can be taken apart , does not really explain how internal combustion powers a car .
11 But the same writer also showed his affinity with the notions of contemporary Christendom by observing that battles were won by a few renowned knights , and the army which had ‘ even one more famous warrior than its enemy must … win ’ .
12 I came to realise that not even one 's mind is one 's private reserve but our thoughts are picked up and can not only be read but given to us .
13 It is amazing that in this age of guitar exotica , courtesy of PRS , Valley Arts and so on , most players can not help but become romantic and misty-eyed about an old Strat — even one that was made in Japan only a month or so ago .
14 The fear of tinnitus , and the difficulty of sharing the fear with even one 's nearest and dearest , can be almost as upsetting as tinnitus itself .
15 LeCoz noted that ‘ museums everywhere , even one as well known as the Orsay , are always in need of financing for their projects . ’
16 He needs more than one victory to win confidence in a town that has never much loved him ; and he can not afford even one more tiny slip if he is not to convince Washington that Mr Perot 's cruel judgment of his talents was right .
17 In that sense , helping one 's relatives , even one 's parents or children , is by no means the most natural thing in the world .
18 Cottages — even one described as decayed — rented for 3s. 4d. , houses and tenements for 6s. 8d. and 11s. 8d .
19 The various national secret societies and various nationalist movements like er Young Italy and there 's even one called Young Europe which is kind of a pretty , pretty much catch-all one .
20 At the very least one owes it to one 's family to do this , as well as to oneself and even one 's current employer .
21 ‘ All the best colleges offer first class tuition , but we also allocate a personal tutor to each student , even one who is only with us for three months .
22 It is sometimes necessary to invert one 's own view , one 's own attitudes and even one 's own moral values in order to get a clear picture of the total situation .
23 Before embarking on a study of lexical semantics , even one which is avowedly descriptive rather than theoretical in orientation , it is necessary to make explicit certain basic assumptions concerning meaning , and to establish , as far as possible , a consistent method of studying it .
24 Even one so buttoned-down as Senator Al Gore trembles to consider that if he made a full-out run at Pennsylvania Avenue , every part of his private life would be scrutinized for the sort of improprieties that cause lips to purse out on the Plains .
25 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
26 To the human palate , even one attuned to " sea food " , dog-whelks are distasteful ( Major W. W. Ker , personal communication ) , presumably because of the hypobranchial and other secretions associated with shell penetration .
27 The taken-for-grantedness of those practices around which a conventional culture is formed represents closure ; a genuine academic community , even one built round a well-defined discipline , on the other hand , abhors closure .
28 One of the most poignant losses any human being faces is having to leave one 's home and sometimes even one 's country because of war , racism , famine or simply the drive to get decent economic opportunities .
29 He wanted to sleep , and the prospect of a bed , even one which he would be required to occupy without companionship , was so attractive that he missed at first the signs that all was not well .
30 M. Lheureux plies Emma with a foretaste of false comfort : he tells her consoling stories of lost dogs which have returned to their masters despite great distances ; why , there was even one that made it all the way back to Paris from Constantinople .
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