Example sentences of "because we " in BNC.

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1 Enough not because we must content ourselves with the minimum , he wrote , but because there is never more , if more means meaning , wholeness , salvation , redemption , all the rest .
2 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
3 If you 've snapped up one our handsome binders you 'll find , towards the end of the year , that because we 've been able to pack so many pages into Britain 's newest , brightest gardening magazine , things are getting , well , rather full .
4 Anthropological knowledge can seem , and often is , dangerous and subversive — not because we are good at digging up dirt ( we are ) , nor simply because we document what ‘ actually happens ’ rather than what is supposed to happen , but because our ways of defining situations and problems often raise questions in our minds about the fundamental assumptions on which any institution bases its own definitions , and indeed the assumptions on which it rests as an institution .
5 Anthropological knowledge can seem , and often is , dangerous and subversive — not because we are good at digging up dirt ( we are ) , nor simply because we document what ‘ actually happens ’ rather than what is supposed to happen , but because our ways of defining situations and problems often raise questions in our minds about the fundamental assumptions on which any institution bases its own definitions , and indeed the assumptions on which it rests as an institution .
6 And you must know that , because we are all here .
7 Not because we made a fool of him at the Reel on Monday , no no , not at all .
8 Because we have a good house already , with the new beds and windows .
9 The experimental context in which the behavioural understanding of cognition developed involved such a presupposition : we understand the rat 's or the pigeon 's behavioural repertoire because we see it in the context of a physical layout that we take as given .
10 By the end of it all the mind-body problem will loom large — but this may be because we are now a little closer to it .
11 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
12 They are also happy to accept that it is only because we have these mental states that we behave as we do .
13 Secondly , a failure to perceive the pattern may also occur because we lack within our theoretical base the conceptual framework that would enable us to grasp the structure that is potentially available , given the observations that we have made already .
14 It is because we internally use our visual information and our sound information in different ways and for different purposes that the sensations of seeing and hearing are so different .
15 At Macci 's academy , enrolment during the school year is limited to about 40 students ‘ for control factors and because we want to maximize everybody playing supervised matches on Tuesdays and Thursdays , ’ Macci said .
16 But that 's because we 're looking at it at close quarters .
17 The view was doubly breath-taking firstly because we were now at 13,000ft ( 4000m ) and , after a long morning 's walk were beginning to feel the effects of the thin air ; and secondly because the vista before us was absolutely astounding .
18 Probably due to the newness of our sample , this proved quite difficult to do , but by the end of the test it was getting easier , either because the sleeve was wearing in , or because we were developing the knack — you must push the sleeve right back .
19 Because we sell food
20 Perhaps it 's because we humans tend to associate protein with fitness and athleticism .
21 To prevent the spread of infection ( and because we live in a throw-away society ) disposable needles are often used , although if your dog requires prolonged treatment your vet may keep a ‘ permanent ’ set especially for that purpose .
22 We drink because we 've got no morals . ’
23 As Edward Pechter puts it , ‘ History does not tell us what the text is , because we decide what history is , and then put history into the text , rather than the other way round . ’
24 We English have never answered the case , because we have refused to recognize that the case was ever made .
25 The Prime Minister had spent 10 years trying to destroy the human spirit in Britain , but ‘ she has failed because we in this movement are not going to allow her ’ .
26 ‘ We have to try to build on what we did in Australia because we have n't time to do anything else , ’ McGeechan said .
27 That 's because we are all impressed by authoritative statements spiced with statistics .
28 And I never went to see Arafat since 1982 because we had not heard of any mood or climate of change in the attitude of the PLO .
29 We must close ranks with them because we talk the same language .
30 ‘ We wanted revenge and I think we all felt the pressure because we wanted to win so badly , ’ said Wood , who looked more like she was enjoying herself .
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