Example sentences of "may [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And , nothing may me to buy it now unless it 's recycled .
2 ‘ And may I ask if she will be so delighted to see me because I happen to be a male member of the human race … ? ’
3 May I see the room now ? ’
4 May I suggest that Alan Titchmarsh does one or all of the following in order to fill his pool in summer ( And anyway …
5 May I sit down ? ’
6 May I ask of any of your readers have any of these cutters they do not need and would wish to sell them ?
7 May I , through the medium of Letters page , reply firstly to Jack Hill ( WW/April 91/p.352 ) .
8 May I ask a question of the majority of manufacturers of wood boring bits ?
9 Before we leave this topic , may I repeat the caution with regard to grain direction .
10 May I also pass on my thanks to your master for providing such a great venue for my business lunches .
11 As a personal contribution to the stability of British industry ( who on earth invented that one ? ) may I pass on a few nuggets of advice :
12 MAY I correct a mistake in Ossia Trilling 's Obituary of Mark Dignam ( 5 October ) ? writes Margaret Wolfit .
13 And yes , you 've guessed it — a few weeks later what should I discover among my mail but a letter : ‘ Dear Mr Ken Ward , where may I purchase an emergency …
14 Meanwhile , may I enquire how the commission would go about its task ?
15 May I ask just one question ? ’ says management .
16 ‘ Mother , may I slug the umpire , may I slug him right away ’ was a parody of crowd behaviour at baseball games published by the Washington Critic in 1886 .
17 ‘ Mother , may I slug the umpire , may I slug him right away ’ was a parody of crowd behaviour at baseball games published by the Washington Critic in 1886 .
18 ‘ Waiter , may I have some bread , please ?
19 May I get you a drink , Miss Fanshawe ? ’
20 May I be among the first to offer my congratulations ? ’
21 May I tempt you ? ’
22 May I draw attention to our recently established London branch , which meets regularly to discuss current issues and share ideas and experiences .
23 May I submit that the Aussie cricketers of this year had it and our lot did n't .
24 Rather than reinventing the ‘ virtual classroom ’ , may I suggest the staff at Teesside Poly could have contacted CECOMM and availed themselves of our tutor-moderated training programme , and in the process saved themselves considerable time and angst .
25 Most kids have a pretty long list : ‘ Please may I have a Barbie doll with her van and a oops a daisy doll hands down games bensing babys teddy bears leggo my dolley suprise hungry hippoes . ’
26 At times she is whimsical as on a visit by Princess Margaret to Jamaica in 1955 : ‘ May I go on record once and for all — I hate to bend the knee , except to God , and even then not too often . ’
27 At the end of July , with Responsions successfully behind him as well as a happy celebratory birthday outing for Helen spent with Harry and Janet , Edward was still as hesitant as in his early letters to Hooton : ‘ May I bring a paper in manuscript and talk it over with you ?
28 Please may I have compassionate leave , sir ? ’
29 Too too shaming … can we stop shouting like this and may I come across to your flat and say I 'm sorry in person ?
30 ‘ Then may I have an undertaking that if I can manage to put on a show , a stupendous show — I promise you it will be — may I then retire from the post ?
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