Example sentences of "people [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Parallel to the " official " summit , some 2,000 non-government organizations together with representatives of tribal peoples gathered at a " Global Forum " .
2 possibly representing one of the peoples conquered by Augustus .
3 On the columns are the names of peoples defeated by Rome .
4 So I am going to suggest ways of finding out about earth energies and of understanding the processes involved , how the ancient peoples related to them , and how we may ourselves be able to build a stronger link .
5 Leaders of the Hill Peoples Accommodated
6 Unemployment was abolished , class struggle overcome , and the living standards and cultural level of even the most backward of the country 's peoples transformed out of all recognition .
7 In their northward migration toward the tundra these peoples encountered the Nenets Samoeds and adopted many features of their reindeer-herding way of life , so that a northern type of Khantyn Selkup and Ket culture developed .
8 In Russia the same effect was produced by Buryats , Tatars , and other eastern peoples encountered on the Trans-Siberian .
9 The Roman empire declined and fell , the Dark Ages came and went , new peoples settled round Vesuvius , and ultimately new towns began to spring up .
10 A century later the map had been slightly redrawn , with the Lombards controlling northern Italy , the Franks unchallenged in France , and peoples known variously as Angles and Saxons dominant in much of the old diocese of Britannia .
11 Despite the increase in the number of scholars studying the period , the same preoccupation with art-history and the origins of peoples persisted and continued to do so through the 1960s in studies of pottery ( Myres 1969 ; 1970 ) and metalwork ( Hawkes 1961 ; Hawkes and Dunning 1961 ) .
12 Three centuries of colonialism were then imposed on the peoples seized from Africa to work on its plantations .
13 Ever since 1914 , when the great majority of the leaders of social democratic parties in Europe supported the war effort of their own nation states — under a variety of influences , one of which was undoubtedly the nationalist fervour of the peoples involved — the capacity of the socialist movement to bring about a new kind of political relationship among the peoples of the world has seemed more questionable ; and the doubts have multiplied not only as a result of the course taken by the revolution in Russia , culminating in the project of building ‘ socialism in one country ’ , which eventually led to the identification of socialism with the national interests of the Soviet Union , but also in the light of the actual relations that developed between the communist countries in the postwar period .
14 ( Related to that view is the naive assumption of certain sociobiologists that sociobiology should expect to be more closely related to social anthropology than to other social sciences , because the ‘ primitive ’ peoples studied by social anthropology are nearer to nature than human beings who live in large industrialized societies . )
15 On this basis the Siberian peoples achieved a certain balance with nature .
16 All the peoples traded in the products of their particular region , exchanging goods by means of barter .
17 Neither the locations of the native peoples outlined above , nor their ethnic and cultural features , remained static during the period from the late sixteenth to the nineteenth century .
18 The festival film to end them all , nonstop music and a million people stoned out of their skulls .
19 Depending , as Dufferin had so clearly perceived , for their ability to govern on the collaboration of a vast class of petty native fonctionnaires , and the political apathy of an even vaster class of ignorant peasants , they could in no way afford to see these people aroused to insubordination , even of an ostensibly peaceful kind .
20 People aroused by the possibilities of social power will seek it more consistently than those who are not aroused by power .
21 This would include partners as well as people diagnosed as HIV positive .
22 The notion of overinclusive thinking actually arose originally from studies of schizophrenia ; yet , as already mentioned , it is found as , if not more , commonly in people diagnosed as suffering from mania , helping to account for the wild ‘ flight of ideas ’ typically observed in that condition .
23 The policy should detail approved cleansing and disinfectant products , methods for cleaning and give references to pertinent expert advisory documents , such as those on the care of people diagnosed with hepatitis B or HIV infection ( HMSO , 1990 ) .
24 The health authorities declared a fresh state of " red alert " on Dec. 28 when further cases of cholera were discovered in three northern provinces bordering Bolivia and Paraguay , although it was reported that none of the 44 people diagnosed in the space of five days had died [ for outbreak in early 1992 see p. 38761 ] .
25 Those convicted were among 48 people indicted for fraud in 1989 after a two-year inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) [ see also p. 37406 ] .
26 The question of how to empower those people marginalised through disabilities and learning difficulties is , thus , a central one .
27 Suicide is a growing problem with young people highlighted by cases like Oxford University student Tracy Cole .
28 About 5 per cent of the manual work-force was enrolled in an occupational pension scheme , and well under 5 per cent owned their own property : in consequence , most old people depended on selling their labour power in an over-stocked labour market in order to live .
29 The UN World Food Programme ( WFP ) estimated that the lives of up to 20,000,000 people depended on the provision of emergency food aid .
30 A further 260,000 people depended on aid brought by road or river .
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