Example sentences of "than a " in BNC.

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1 The certificate on form R190(SD) must be completed but this can be done at any time and amounts to little more than a claim procedure .
2 An art critic also needs a gift for persuasion , perhaps rather more than a head for exposition and argument .
3 Some stress has been thrown thus far on modernism and its advocacy , but a traditional critic may write as well or better than a modernist .
4 In a dispassionate view , a century seems to have several advantages , as being more than a lifespan and being an evident but arbitrary division .
5 Exclusion , though , is rather less general a problem than a low status for some categories of painting .
6 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
7 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
8 A consequence of this tradition is that the sculptor 's own personality may receive less prominence in a monograph than a painter 's , as the effect of patronage given or withheld can be decisive in a sculptor 's career .
9 More than a hundred years have passed since Morelli started writing ; in that time many problems of authorship have been solved , while about others tacit agreement has been reached .
10 Artists who group together for financial reasons may choose a name which is no more explanatory than a number or numbers .
11 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
12 The island 's public affairs and significant politics can occasionally be seen , out of the corner of an eye , to be no less invaded by contingency and incomprehensibility and futility than the life and times of Jimmy Ahmed , to have the status of rumour , to be little more than a remote and indecipherable response to a random outbreak of violence .
13 The Marquis of Queensberry may be judged , in this context , to have made an involuntary and uncharacteristic joke in accusing Wilde of ‘ posing as a somdomite ’ : a phrase that smells of the multiple self , and of the uncertainty of interpretation — and indeed spelling ( Ackroyd , as it happens , interprets him as something other than a sodomite ) .
14 There is more than a hint of the search for the philosopher 's stone .
15 A piece to be presented should have something more than a surface narrative quality in the characterisation .
16 Now I think that 's the right way to get to know the kind of talent there is , rather than a straight knock-down audition .
17 This is partly because of the structure of catholic nationalism in the Southern state and partly because the national unity sought by significant numbers of Northern catholic nationalists is still on the basis of the reversal of protestant — loyalist hegemony rather than a power compromise .
18 But that is what the arrangement was : an alliance rather than a consolidated interest or a genuinely shared culture .
19 It was then more than a misjudgement : it revealed the extent to which the religious intellectuals ' theory of church and state was outdated and incoherent .
20 We have also followed his preparations for the world title bout with Karpov , some of us , it must be confessed , with a certain amount of incredulity , since , however much these world championship matches are now dependent on stamina rather than brilliance , it has struck more than a few people that a chess player is not a footballer , in particular a fifty-year-old self-exiled Russian Grandmaster is not a footballer , and that to think that by training like one he will become as fit is not only an illusion , it is a dangerous illusion .
21 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
22 Desire of Bride to be more than a bride , to be a mother too .
23 If a work is bigger than a man , he wrote , it can mean either that it is trying to surpass man or that it is not afraid of being looked at .
24 What does it mean , standing there in the empty room , bigger than a man ?
25 Philistinism is rife , and it is high time for some loud restatement of the old conservationist maxim that ownership is no more than a temporary rental on the nation 's heritage .
26 Should n't take more than a couple of weeks at most …
27 PENNINE and Royal of Scotland have developed ROYNET , a software system , which eliminates the need for any device other than a standard electronic point of sale till for processing credit and debit cards .
28 Now something more than a quelling look appeared on Lord Woodleigh 's fine-bred features .
29 Not much worse than a tumble in the hunting field . ’
30 ‘ This is very interesting , ’ she said , ‘ but I 'm afraid that it is nothing more than a performance .
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