Example sentences of "only been " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , force has been required to subordinate it , and , on the other , it has always threatened to outbreed protestant loyalists , an outcome which has only been avoided by catholic — nationalist migration over the past seventy years .
2 The limitations on the power of these liberal groups within protestant loyalism are demonstrated by the fact that they have only been allowed to function among the leadership of the people so long as they obeyed the basic tenets and values common to the alliance as a whole .
3 as if all the work of the past four months had only been a dream , the cutting and the drilling , the painting , the moulding of the lead wire .
4 Yet it was as though that night , in the moonlight , in the silence , as though even the work , the months of steady labour , had only been an illusion , only the dream of work , the dream of progress , and I had not even begun and never would begin , though at different moments in my life I might have had the illusion that I had begun and even , perhaps , finished .
5 She 's only been here two weekends , and none of us had worked for her in the past …
6 Carefully he tried again but Cameron took his arm and told him not to hurry unduly , the joists had only been pinned in place and they were still waiting for the long nails from Grandtully .
7 It is good work , this , Angus , it is bringing the thing home to plenty folk who have only been in it for the furore so far , for the chance to squeeze their girls in the crowd and all that kind of thing .
8 The East Grinstead scheme had only been authorised because of the need to replace asbestos-infected elderly diesel multiple units and by demonstrating that no new rolling stock would be required .
9 A typical example is the 1978 Tremadoc Guidebook comment after the first ascent of Fingerlicker in 1975 , where alone in that guide it was pointed out that the route had only been climbed after two ‘ Yo-Yo 's ’ ( according to the 1975 definition of a Yo-Yo ) .
10 After all , he 's only been experiencing the outside world since his vaccination course was completed a few weeks ago .
11 Known as the Cabinet War Rooms , the complex has only been open to the public since 1983 .
12 But John Bullock , senior partner at Deloitte UK , admitted that Touche Ross had only been informed of his decision not to merge with them ‘ a few days ago ’ .
13 That ambition has only been partially fulfilled .
14 Initially , Chilton has only been able to persuade the makers to turn out spools of line with a 70lb breaking strain , strong enough to tow a boat .
15 I think it genuinely irresponsible that someone with my theatrical track-record has written a play about this internationally known theatrical figure yet it has only been seen by a few people . ’
16 Rektum will spend the money on reassembling their career in a less pressurised climate : up to now their recordings have only been available on bootleg cassettes , while their live performances have taken place exclusively underground .
17 Since 1960 , of the 41 sub-Saharan African states there has only been one smooth constitutional transfer of real power from one elected leader to another , i.e. in Senegal in 1981 .
18 The full theoretical significance of this idea has only been demonstrated recently by anthropologists who have turned again to Marx in order to find a framework in which to place their observations [ Gedelier , 1977 ] .
19 The Cobra had only been around since 1962 , but the Ace , on which it was based , dated back to 1953 , when it had been launched at Earls Court .
20 I know that it has only been a couple of weeks but my word , it does seem longer , and so much has happened to you , has n't it ?
21 By the time we have finished his chapter called ‘ The Heavens ’ , we have not only been informed about what the shape of the Ptolemaic universe was like , and how the belief in astrology worked , and how much knowledge was in our sense ‘ scientific ’ and how much ‘ poetic ’ or ‘ mythological ’ .
22 The group is still looking for possible partners for its optronics operations , though it insists that so far there have only been talks , not negotiations .
23 This legislation had been hailed as a powerful weapon with which to seize drug barons ' fortunes but up to May last year police and Customs investigators had only been able to confiscate £11 million .
24 The group is still looking for possible partners for its optronics operations , though it insists that so far there have only been talks , not negotiations .
25 WC apps : 8 Runners-up : 1934 , 1962 The Czechoslovaks have only been seen twice in the tournament proper since they reached the 1962 final and on neither occasion were they able to win a match .
26 He do n't know nothing — he 's only been here 10 years . ’
27 In 1967 , when Mr Ceausescu had only been in power two years , he complained about the security forces taking unjustified measures against the people .
28 He recognised his ex-pupil 's handwriting on a letter and thereby identified the highwayman — even though Turpin had only been his pupil for three quarters of a year .
29 I was sorry for Jennifer but they had only been going out for a month or so , and not terribly seriously .
30 Assuming the car had gone missing at the same ti me as Angela Morgan , it might have been there for over a week ; it had only been found that evening by a uniformed constable who was keeping his eyes open .
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