Example sentences of "come over " in BNC.

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1 Lucy , um , I wondered if you 'd like to come over for dinner sometime , like tonight .
2 ‘ Do you want to come over for dinner sometime ? ’ said Jay , as if it had just occurred to her .
3 Lucy could n't find time to come over for an evening ; the globally significant exhibition was floating on some remote iceberg ; Jeremy had an agent , an opening ; Lucy 's sister was ill and needed her ( Jay recalled Lucy 's exasperated indifference to her sister ) ; the painters were coming .
4 ‘ My relatives used to come over and say : ‘ There 's nothing in the shops ’ , and I thought it was ridiculous , because there was plenty , ’ a 47-year-old lathe operator from Dresden told me yesterday .
5 ‘ Perhaps Philip 'd like to come over to us , ’ Jinny broke in quickly , finding courage from somewhere .
6 Zimbabwe and other African countries are now making the same mistake , and inviting Swedes to come over and do progressive things to their economies .
7 Before returning to England he was asked to persuade Gladstone to come over for the 1878 Yale ‘ commencement ’ but he would plead in vain .
8 In fact , as the great challenge of the conference drew nearer , an astonishing change seemed to come over my father .
9 He tried to duck under the ropes to come over to us , but gets stopped by a security man who asks him what he 's playing at .
10 It would be very awkward if she called at the house and Miss Watson were just about to come over .
11 I 'd met Kristin and Sabine that morning and they 'd told me to come over and described where they were now living .
12 It was too far for the old lady to come over .
13 Normally during the day I keep it shut because that 's the place we like to keep clean , in case someone happens to come over and does n't want to be knee-deep in children .
14 They used to come over for the spud-picking and go to Ormskirk and live in a bothy and would come to Scotland Place because there were so many wakes .
15 ‘ You want me to come over ? ’ he asked , reading her mind .
16 ‘ Wo n't she expect you to come over once you 've been home and changed your shoes ? ’
17 He used to come over to us a lot at weekends , along with another character called Bob Brown , who lived at Blackton and who was a bachelor brother of my great-aunt 's husband .
18 The only complete family to come over on a Kindertransport was the Alperns — Leo and Adele and their children Heinrich , Anita , Sonja and Irena .
19 This is good for voice-overs or to push down the level of the rhythm guitar to allow for the lead guitar to come over .
20 Also , I 'd like to come over all clichéd now and say that it seems that you do get what you pay for , and while the Hohner is a very capable bass I would personally bypass this mid-price level and put the money to something else .
21 ‘ Patsy , will you run down to Dr Johnson 's like a good girl and ask him to come over as soon as he can .
22 Later , when they realised Japan 's true intentions , Aung San and the small Burmese army , backed by an underground movement , decided to come over to the British , a very courageous step when you realise their numbers , and their limited arms .
23 I 'm going to get Lady Hamilton to come over . ’
24 Meredith supposed Harriet would be fully committed socially over the Christmas period but she wanted to offer some token of hospitality , so she went across the road after breakfast and asked if Harriet would like to come over to lunch .
25 With this background of ‘ westernisation ’ it was considered natural to come over to England to complete my education .
26 I invited Richard , a local falconer friend of mine , and his girlfriend Rosie to come over and watch Dawn 's first flight .
27 She showed immediate enthusiasm and , well , one thing led to another and before long I had invited her and her family to come over to Tintagel to meet Dawn and see her fly .
28 Obviously inspired by MADONNA 's example , ( and it seems that she 's about to be millions of dollars richer as over half a million copies of Sex changed hands last week ) CURVE have decided to come over all raunchy and are releasing a Stateside compilation which goes under the provocative title of ‘ Pubic Fruit ’ , although whose pubes are involved we are not informed .
29 As far as I 'm concerned , I went to Hector because I knew him and I knew he 'd let me have a boat cheaply , and I 've used it since then — since the fifteenth — for pleasure , and now to come over and look my people up .
30 In addition , Alexander Hardinge , who had replaced Wigram as private secretary to the King and who constantly saw his loyalty as lying with the institution and not with the person , was available to come over at short notice and did so .
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