Example sentences of "come to " in BNC.

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1 At last , in 1975 , the wife of one of the prisoners , a former air force pilot , telephoned the young woman 's mother to come to her house quickly .
2 As for the purchaser , tell him to come to my house and choose another picture — something that both he and I like .
3 Zuckerman has enabled Roth to deal with the question of the offence he has given to righteous Jews , and to come to terms with the rebellious , psychedelic , philo-Semitic Sixties , when Roth 's writing went , with the times , derisive and fantastic .
4 Levi 's paints actually manage to come to life as human beings in The Wrench , a less fanciful book which nevertheless claims that ‘ paints resemble us more than they do bricks .
5 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
6 He urged me to come to Paris .
7 It had to come to this , he wrote .
8 It had to come to the nightly struggle with the big glass , like the struggle with Proteus , who must be held no matter what form he takes , bull , bear , fox , fire , water .
9 Mr Kidd said he already had anecdotal evidence of US conventions pulling out of the UK : ‘ One conference of surgeons and one group of insurance sales staff , who planned to come to London for two weeks , could not find a hotel they were happy with . ’
10 She 's as poor as a church mouse , that 's why she has to come to Arthur and Margot 's in the holidays . ’
11 Fear was there , certainly , and also an inability to come to terms with what had happened , but there was something more .
12 It is not unknown for so-called ‘ unspinnable ’ aircraft to come to grief by getting into a stable spin .
13 Over the years I watched as senior officers struggled to come to terms with our bizarre presence , which overcame any respect they might have had for our practical mastery of dealing with a world they were wary of .
14 Tournament organisers and the refereeing panel expect competitors to come to the tournament in a fit state to compete , not shrouded in bandages !
15 ‘ All hell rules over the man who is angry , ’ says the Talmud , and by September 1939 , when Leonard was beginning to come to terms with the thresholds of life 's reality , hell was ruling the world , or at least appeared to be .
16 Leonard was fortunate to come to it when he did , for he was able to enter into the fruits and the confidence born of it , as well as classical English literature .
17 What neuropsychologists are trying to do is to come to some understanding of the way in which damage to the brain impairs abilities such as memory , perception and the use of language .
18 The Sunday before she had asked him to come to tea .
19 ‘ Would you like to come to tea ? ’
20 Who , to come to my point , is to shoulder the responsibility ? ’
21 They are bound to come to something , Stepan confides to the narrator ; ‘ usually in our world things come to nothing , but this will end in something , it 's bound to , it 's bound to ! ’
22 It could be a rewarding form of teaching to help an uninformed but well-motivated student to come to terms with poetry , but it would involve time and leisure .
23 There are elements of a vicious version of the hermeneutic circle involved : people do n't like poetry because they have n't read enough to come to terms with it , and they have n't read enough because they do n't like it .
24 Lasting well over four hours , it is patently in no hurry to come to conclusions or to an end .
25 Many of the East Germans assumed West Germany had again dug into its pocket to ‘ buy out ’ East Germans seeking to come to the West .
26 ‘ Either LIN buys the rest of the franchise it does n't already own , or it has to come to terms with McCaw . ’
27 And he invited him to come to the Mayday parade to see for himself .
28 It 's the difference between the person who knocks you down to take your purse and the person who knocks him down to come to your rescue . ’
29 He was in hospital and unable to come to Brighton .
30 Nor can Erich Honecker now ask the most important guest not to come to his party .
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