Example sentences of "two men " in BNC.

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1 In early 1991 AI received a letter directly from the two men .
2 On the boulder that lay against the rough stone stump of the Cross two men were standing , waving torn papers and conducting the crowd in a chorus of jeers .
3 Instinctively the two men were looking for faces that they knew — Mary McCulloch and her friends , big Mary as tall as a man , red-haired Flora .
4 Hope Steuart had felled a tree across the track , two men with cudgels were standing sentry behind it , they dropped the clubs and ran when the whole wood came at them , the darkness between the trees turned into people , people everywhere , herds and thickets of them surrounding the low tower-house .
5 He was also a disciple of Ezra Pound , more ( one suspects ) because Pound was ‘ the most controversial , dynamic and stimulating figure in modern literature , ’ than for personal rapport between the two men .
6 I went along there one afternoon and stuck my head round the door ; saw two men in the sort of office you 'd expect of solicitors — box files in neat rows and shelf upon shelf of law reports .
7 Janice took their orders while Gillian studied the two men .
8 Pretending to be worried about the painters and the incriminating evidence against them — ‘ It 's very , very important for them ! ’ — Porfiry asks Raskolnikov if he has any recollection of passing an open door on the lower landing and seeing two men at work inside .
9 And how different the tone of the two men and their two suicides !
10 A BOY of 17 and two men in their twenties face execution in Burma for planting a bomb , but others involved in the crime say they took no part in it .
11 The two men then retired for goodwill talks , which one US official described as ‘ not negotiations ’ .
12 Neither of these two men can control with any certainty , however , the factor that will perhaps exert the most influence on the SPD 's election chances .
13 He has now been positively identified by detectives as one of two men who hijacked a police car when traffic patrol officers checked out a suspect van in Co Limerick three weeks ago .
14 Meetings between the two men lasted into Saturday night and continued at a religious service on Sunday .
15 According to sources close to Mr Mandela himself , the first two men out will be Wilton Mkwayi and Elias Motsoaledi , a very influential member of the ANC old guard with positions of leadership both in the union movement and in the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe .
16 The Home Office could not confirm reports that the two men set fire to themselves .
17 The two men , Emmanuel Christen and Elio Erriquez , were kidnapped by two masked gunmen only 300 yards from the Ein Helweh Palestinian camp , where the Red Cross runs an artificial limb centre .
18 Unless the two men kidnapped yesterday are speedily released , it will be difficult for Michel Dufour , the chief ICRC delegate in Lebanon , to avoid taking the same decision once again .
19 Shrewsbury Crown Court heard that the two men discussed no other topics and Browning , 36 , left .
20 The two men were arrested at a time of increasing student political activism , and a renewed government offensive against the supposed communist threat .
21 The two men were held in military custody , incommunicado , for some time and are believed to have been ill-treated .
22 One of the dances consisted of a mimed battle between two men .
23 A mechanic went to the car and saw two men beside it and a young woman inside .
24 Two men with cans of Guinness strapped to their baseball caps wore yellow T-shirts emblazoned with the logo of the Leprechaun Society .
25 First Edition TWO MEN who fled after bungling a raid on a shop jumped into a getaway car only to find a policeman at the wheel .
26 Constable Dale Buckingham had just collected the car from the scene of the raid , in Bristol , and was taking it to his police station when he saw two men he suspected of being involved in the raid , and stopped .
27 Detectives named two men sought in connection with Clapham as Patrick Sheehy and John Conaghty , who are believed to have been the core of a cell of about five or six .
28 The two men were born in the same region , the Transkei , but whereas Mr Mandela was a distinguished personage of royal blood , Mr Sisulu came from an impoverished peasant family and engaged in politics as a consequence of his exposure to the daily indignities of life for blacks through his work in a dairy , a bakery , in mines and factories .
29 He said the two men attacked him with a tyre lever , hammer and a craft knife .
30 Officially what Knighton called ‘ the vilification ’ is over , the two men are friends and colleagues again .
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