Example sentences of "two [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For a mile or two nothing more was said .
2 All right so we put two and two nothing so I put two and two in the other machine three pounds that 's not bad .
3 Yes , I mean I 've got to say to that , I thought they kept going ; two nothing down you know and I 've played in games where your playing top opposition and you can go under a little bit ca n't you .
4 Yes , I mean I 've got to say that , I thought they kept going at two nothing down you know sides , and I 've played in games where you 're playing top opposition and you can go under a little bit ca n't you ?
5 We 're all going on a Summer holiday for a week or two me and you
6 If you take those two everyone 's away
7 I know most of the songs , but there 's one or two I do n't .
8 Claire Rayner and Jeni Barnett are the only two I can think of at the moment .
9 Unforunately , the only two I can remember are the Vicar 's Wife 's Half-Crown by Stealth out of Trouser Pocket , and the Vicar 's New Overcoat by Good Luck out of Easter Offering .
10 In Chapter Two I asserted that two contrary intentions are involved : the intention to be , to submit to the experience of an event , and the intention to describe , to communicate an event to someone else .
11 Two I have burned and there may be — indeed there are — others which should immediately meet the same fate .
12 But of the two I think there is more love on his side ; Mama is inclined to be cool .
13 I know that as the younger by a year or two I looked up to Andrew ; after all I was an inexperienced young man from a small prairie town , while Andrew had been to Europe !
14 When I was two I buckled my shoe
15 The above-mentioned aerodromes are only two I have selected , but they could have been any of many in both countries .
16 The other two I do n't remember .
17 The last two I 've read , both by Terence McKenna : Food Of The Gods and the more speculative Archaic Revival .
18 The dress was a little too long , but they were worn long at that time so with the help of a pin or two I was able to achieve the desired effect .
19 I sold the two I had . ’
20 He admits : ‘ It is three years since I 've scored for England and I 'm well aware that the two I scored against Czechoslovakia remain my only goals .
21 In the two I 've just mentioned you will find a character who lives many years without the benefit of some vital knowledge , something they really needed to know .
22 On day two I repeated the copper .
23 ‘ For a moment or two I was flying past the stars on silver wings .
24 And in another light-year or two I was through the word-barrier , and the book had suddenly reached the stage — the wonderful moment to get to — where I could walk right into my imaginary country and see things that I had not consciously created , and listen to people talking and watch them moving , all apparently independent of me .
25 Of her forty-one Landseers , his group portrait ‘ Windsor Castle in modern times ’ and ‘ Isaac Van Amburgh and his animals ’ are the two I would pick for my imaginary show .
26 The assumptions themselves have remained more or less intact , and in Part Two I will return to them in developing a ‘ postclassical ’ perspective .
27 In Part Two I will suggest that if they are pushed a little closer to the classical position , via some judicious reinterpretation , the problems dealt with above are eased considerably .
28 In Part Two I will suggest a way in which the important contribution that anomie theory makes to understanding crime can be reformulated in classical terms , much to its benefit .
29 In Part Two I want to try to develop some of this potential and outline a ‘ postclassical ’ perspective : that is , a perspective grounded on the fundamental assumptions made by Beccaria , but with some liberties taken and adjustments made in the light of the various problems it has encountered .
30 there have n't been many ice hockey sims on the 64 — the only two I can recall ( Powerplay Hockey and Superstar Ice Hockey ) were a very long time ago .
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