Example sentences of "take time " in BNC.

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1 Strong friendship takes time to build .
2 Friendship takes time .
3 Pasta contains complex carbohydrates so takes time to be digested .
4 Even though the nose has been lowered well below the horizon , a glider takes time to regain speed , and any attempt to turn off immediately results in a potential stall and spin accident .
5 It takes time and effort for her to do this : constantly tapping her nose on the typewriter is exhausting , but then so is making her noises understood .
6 That takes time to research , and space to display . ’
7 But answering the question of whether abuse has taken place takes time and the involvement of many people other than doctors .
8 The Labour Party Conference : Neil Kinnock takes time away from the platform limelight
9 Neil Kinnock takes time away from the platform limelight yesterday , disappearing backstage before the Labour conference ended with the party in a buoyant mood
10 To achieve this necessarily takes time and it is thus the means and goals which we should examine today rather than the setting first of arbitrary ( financial ) parameters .
11 The whole process takes time .
12 He must be patient since there is no instant creativity and implementation takes time .
13 It takes time for this to develop and for people to recognise that they are partly responsible .
14 All of which takes time .
15 For example , the process of moving leaves into the right position to catch most sunlight takes time , so that , because the sun appears to move continuously , the position of the leaves will always be behind the ideal one .
16 Certainly , it takes time for workers and employers to react to changing conditions in the labour market .
17 That takes time , but also requires scale : so long as the car makers ' output — and thus demand for parts — is small , it is hard to force suppliers to change their ways .
18 Oddly enough , many parliaments expect to modify government plans , which takes time .
19 Second , the Bank has long recognised that adjustment takes time .
20 ‘ It takes time to build a country appetite .
21 It takes time and effort which might usefully be spent doing something else .
22 Refuelling with gas from a bulk supply takes time , too : maybe 15 minutes .
23 But it takes time , time , time .
24 This is difficult , it takes time , fearlessness and optimism — it is something I do not propose embarking upon again in my life .
25 He opens the tour in Sweden promoting Time Takes Time , his new album .
26 Eventually things even themselves out , as the salt spreads itself evenly between them ; but this takes time , and the movements occur first .
27 But it takes time . ’
28 It takes time to adjust to reforms , but some general observations are now possible on the impact of market liberalisation on the architectural profession , particularly remuneration , the level of unemployment and the organisational structure of practices .
29 All this takes time .
30 When first setting up a fence it takes time to adjust the three wires at the tackle end so that they are under equal tension ( the far end having already been secured to a strong chain link , which in turn is fastened to its anchorage ) .
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