Example sentences of "who [adv] " in BNC.

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31 He raised his hand as if to strike Frankie , who instinctively recoiled into the rough safety of his nanny s overcoat .
32 But amongst the fakes , obsessives and lunatics , was there perhaps a man who instinctively knew the route to the Imajica ?
33 So too , in less tragic circumstances , artists and intellectuals who instinctively loathed the Arts Council rallied round when Thatcher put the boot in .
34 144 ‘ Artificial lesbianism ’ , as opposed to ‘ true ’ homosexuality of the ‘ congenital invert ’ , was condemned as the product of a culture which segregated the sexes and manufactured perverts out of women who instinctively preferred the love of a man .
35 Those reinsurers who instinctively ‘ follow ’ SwissRe are likely also to take their lead on this issue .
36 Many , not all , but many were trade unionists who instinctively sympathized with the plight of the miners .
37 It was , though , his rather better known colleague at Caltech , Linus Pauling , who proposed that the principle to adopt was that of structures that maximise the number of so-called hydrogen bonds between different amino acids in the polypeptide chain ( and who thereby forged the key which very rapidly unlocked molecular biology ) .
38 Many patients who thereby benefit from continuation of treatment as a condition of discharge from hospital are able to resume relationships and activities that would be hazardous without such treatment .
39 Does my right hon. Friend agree that many people who choose to work more than 48 hours per week , and who thereby earn overtime and give greater security to their families , would be most upset if an edict from Brussels took the right to work such overtime away from them , especially as hon. Members would be excluded from the rules , as would the bureaucrats in Europe and all managers and executives ?
40 In " ideal " circumstances , the male joker releases his frustration by joking about the woman with a second male — an inhibitor of the desired intimacy — who thereby becomes a conspirator with the teller in the indulgence in smut as a substitute for the sexual act .
41 The seventh-century chronicler Fredegar thought that they were given lands by the Gallo-Roman aristocracy , who thereby gained tax exemption in the days of Valentinian I. It may be that this information actually relates to the reign of Valentinian III , and therefore that it is the same as the grant of Sapaudia , but this is by no means certain .
42 It was yesterday hailed by the man who latterly oversaw its construction as ‘ one of the jewels in the crown of the Trident programme ’ .
43 Although the matter does not arise in this appeal because Woolwich were fully aware of all the relevant circumstances , I can not help feeling that there is some illogicality in treating as voluntary a payment by someone who justifiably believes that the demand is lawful whereas in fact it turns out to be unlawful .
44 Billie Jean King , who little more than a decade ago was still thrilling Wimbledon crowds , is 48 and Sixties soccer idol George Best is three months older than Clinton .
45 Some years ago there was a vet , who besides always smelling of methylated spirits , would always conscientiously swab a horse 's neck with meths before giving an injection .
46 But second key-noter Dr Arno Penzias , vice president of Research at AT&T 's Bell Labs , who besides being a Nobel prize winner has the additional claim to fame of being the boss of Unix creators Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie , disagreed .
47 His ideal hero was a knightly hero who besides being brave and loyal was dignified , chivalrous , compassionate and vowed to the service of a rigid standard of personal conduct , the slightest violation of which is an unappeasable torment to his conscience .
48 One of the earliest documented encounters took place in AD 109 when a dolphin befriended a boy swimming offshore at the Roman settlement of Hippo in northern Africa , and thereafter returned day after day to play with other children , who slowly overcame their initial fear .
49 Such fields could have attracted the more plodding Webb , too , who slowly worked her way from relatively High Society — the only one of nine sisters to marry ‘ down ’ — into social research , the Fabian powerhouse and the formation of social policy in committee rather than cabinet .
50 Erika , who rather liked the Kiev , was disdainful .
51 Among them was Charles Williams , who rather surprisingly left his wife and child behind to brave the Blitz in their Hampstead flat while he and his beloved secretary Celia came to take up their ( separate ) residences in Oxford .
52 Specifically , in the case of Anthony Miers , the Royal Navy submariner who finally came in for a teeny bit of criticism over his methods of disposing of German seamen who rather inconveniently surrendered .
53 So 15 of the chosen 30 have a very modest international background — and this going into tests against Australia , the World Cup holders , and South Africa , who rather fancy that they would have won it had they been invited .
54 The title of Martyr , he declared , was ‘ an utter misnomer and should be reserved for those Christians who rather than renounce their faith had suffered death at the hands of Pagan persecutors ’ .
55 Speaking as a man who rather enjoys cover compilations — and remembers with gratitude the ‘ NME 's role in bringing us The Fall 's ‘ A Day In The Life ’ — I have to concede that the normal response to such collections is a powerful yearning to hear the originals again .
56 A more accurate guide as to who went to the movies was given in 1928 by Pare Lorentz , who rather patronizingly suggested that whereas most people went occasionally , the regulars consisted of ‘ an army of clerks ’ who not only went but took it ‘ seriously ’ .
57 Caballé , and from the past Johanna Gadski , who rather unexpectedly comes to mind more than once ) , and in ‘ O patria mia ’ the high C , the As too , are louder than one would have wished .
58 In the second panel the same people , considerably sobered and looking as if they had a serious hangover , were being led away by the classic medieval figure of Death , a grisly skeleton in a black robe and cowl , who rather reminded Preston of an old schoolmaster he had known called Mr Pilkington .
59 Fenella , who rather liked the look of the Gnomes , thought they were a bit like careful children , diligently remembering their manners , sprinkling their conversation with ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ , and with things like , ‘ I 'll trouble you for the jam pot , your honour ’ , or ‘ after you with the tomato chutney , your worship ’ .
60 That 's twice with the chief , thought Rex , who rather than have his head mashed by a slamming door , put his boot against it and offered a mighty kick .
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