Example sentences of "so [det] " in BNC.

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1 So each doctrine is sometimes the shadow and sometimes the equivalent of the other …
2 ‘ Assuming some progress in resolving the debt crisis , ’ Mr Grant says , ‘ then even a 5 per cent or a 10 per cent diversion of military spending could provide the additional $50 billion or so each year which is needed to end absolute poverty on the planet within the next 10 years . ’
3 What precisely he did with himself all day long she never could fathom , but he was not in her company above two hours or so each day .
4 So each skull represents about 27,777 corpses .
5 so each of us can hear ,
6 There were never enough hooks so each one had to take several coats .
7 The point is that regular-interval sampling makes every case dependent upon the first choice and so each individual unit does not have the same chance of being sampled .
8 So each interviewer goes out hunting for informants who fit into the right boxes — or quotas .
9 so each linear metre of space sells £200.
10 AS FLOCK SIZE increases the individual risk to any one bird decreases and so each bird can afford to lower its peeking rate .
11 So each link in the system has to handle the whole range , and bandwidth , of services provided .
12 So each bed had four of each .
13 So each step has to be planned patiently with her , so that this big change in her life can take place as smoothly as possible .
14 There are various devices on the market to help solve this problem , and the Basingstoke-based Award Design company have produced the Quad-FX , which not only mixes and balances effects in parallel ( in effect , each one goes in individually , not one behind the other ) , but will also make all your processors and stomp boxes compatible , and offers adjustment of the input and output levels so each unit lines up individually with your amp 's effects loop .
15 The cyclical character of the work now acquires central importance ; under this system a right balance is needed between manpower and task size , and there is a need to schedule operations so each process is completed in each shift .
16 So each square kilometre in New Zealand has just twelve people to support while in the UK the average density is 232 .
17 He returned home only for a week or so each month and spent most of his time in his bathroom , which contained a colour television , telephones and a fully stocked cocktail bar .
18 It is also a good idea when keeping cichlids together , or with larger fish , to decorate the aquarium in such a way so as to set out individual territories so each fish can establish its own personal niche
19 So each one got a little harder as you reached the end of your tour ’ .
20 88Open now has over 100 members , and is estimated to be fourth in the software league for ‘ open ’ architectures with around 1,000 packages , behind IBM ( Rios ) and Sun Sparc with 4,000 or so each , and MIPS with 1,800 .
21 So each day , after the small chores of cleaning kitchen , making beds and cleaning the two main bathrooms , she would also perform a thorough cleaning of one room , washing mirrors and windows , waxing any visible wooden floors , cleaning the small ornaments , dusting ceilings and walls and furniture surfaces , and vacuuming .
22 So each species of the family , on the near-identical canvas of its body , carries a vivid and individual design based on stripes and patches , dots , eye-spots and zigzags .
23 In their last wage packets , Harvard did not pay the £2,000 or so each that they were expecting .
24 So each neuron responds to a particular pattern of activity in the cells that connect to it , and when this pattern occurs it signals the news to a group of cells lying in another part of the brain .
25 You could then include a breeding pond ( occupied for only a fortnight or so each year ) .
26 So each rhabdom detects only the small portion of the view which enters one facet .
27 So each one of these is one engine .
28 So each time you come across one have you got a notebook to write things in .
29 So each animal went to fetch his companions , while the fox made a plan of battle .
30 So each class had mixed ability groups mixed ability
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