Example sentences of "time these " in BNC.

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1 At times these adjustments verge on sharp practice enabled by the fact that ingredients do not have to be revealed .
2 One must now question how many times these tactics have been used before or will be used in the future .
3 We had no fear of crossing the roads and at times these were our playgrounds , playing cricket in Kent Road with an upturned box as wicket , a long stop watching for the 'bus leaving Halling Bottom .
4 The number and variations of incidents in ‘ Hamlet ’ are primarily all connected with the incident of Hamlet 's hatred and eventual murder of his uncle , who has taken the throne after killing his ( Hamlet 's ) father Even though at times these may seem irrelevant to this theme , all tie in with Hamlet himself .
5 I have laughed at that thought many times these are the things to remember .
6 She knew what was to come ; she had seen that look in her friend 's eyes too many times these past few months .
7 As an academic critic and university teacher specializing in modern literature and literary theory , I spend much or my time these days reading books and articles that I can barely understand and that cause my wife ( a graduate with a good honours degree in English language and literature ) to utter loud cries of pain and nausea if her eye happens to fall on them .
8 What I have presented as analysis of current movements may well have acquired a historical flavour by the time these words are read .
9 It made a good reason for those excluded to dislike Miss Morgan , but it had been true any time these past two years .
10 In course of time these petitions came to be addressed direct to the Chancellor himself .
11 For a long time these two between them do most of the Equity work , though the Court of Exchequer has also developed an Equity jurisdiction , an ‘ Equity side ’ , which , however , is handed over to Chancery in 1842 : it is now administered by the Queen 's Bench Division of the High Court .
12 At the same time these results are likely to be slow , and if we are right in our conclusion that we are faced at the present time with a certain amount of abnormal employment of a quasi-permanent character , then it is not sufficient to solely rely on the gradual improvement of productive efficiency .
13 In time these three will form a screen so that I can arrange for a complete change of scenery on either side .
14 There are heavy demands on people 's time these days and a lot of rival attractions .
15 At various points in his career , he played wonderful jazz , but by the time these four pieces — OM , Kulu Se Mama , Selflessness , and Ascension — were made in 1965 his relentless search for The Truth had brought him to the most uncompromising of unstructured freedom .
16 Director No. 62668 ‘ Jutland ’ enters Victoria with a local train from Nottingham probably around the time these engines were given a brief return to service from storage at Staveley in 1961 .
17 At the time these were two of the world 's most advanced designs and the subject of much secrecy within Britain .
18 By the time these results had been achieved , World War 11 had passed from the uneasy calm of its first winter into the violence of the European devastation of 1940 .
19 With time these ‘ cold sores ’ become less frequent and the severity of the attacks diminishes .
20 But by the time these ‘ new ’ results had been published , the damage had been done .
21 During that time these countries ' share of world energy consumption will rise from just over one-fifth to almost one-third of total consumption .
22 From time to time these worthy bodies are moved to compile works recording the history of a parish in modern times — the Queen 's Jubilee , the celebration of the wedding of the Prince and princess of Wales , and other notable occasions .
23 In time these may dramatically change the view : Figure 6.36 is taken from the same point as Figure 6.34 , but in summer rather than winter and also one year later , some five years after the reconstruction of the road .
24 At the Food Research Institute Dr David Southgate , who has made a special study of dietary fibre and whose research is the source of the scientific textbook fibre figures , has provided analytical values for the dietary fibre in a range of usefully fibre-rich canned and packaged foods , so that for the first time these products , which form such a major part of modern eating , can be realistically assessed and used for health value .
25 Fortunately , 90% of the time these problems can be cured , but there are times when , despite the cause being visible , the treatment is less evident .
26 Not surprisingly in a small fish with an extensive but virtually one-dimensional ( East-West ) range , different populations have developed different colour patterns , and perhaps in time these will become different species altogether .
27 For that reason , by the time these lines appear , you will no longer be reading about either my campaign for party leader or that of various other candidates for deputy .
28 Kim began to study the time these meridians were formed in different species and in a way , echoing Burr 's reports , found that within the embryonic chick , for example , they manifested within fifteen hours of conception !
29 The last time these two met , Ipswich won 2-0 and sent Norwich hurtling towards relegation .
30 So , next time these problems come along , you can be sure of fast , effective pain relief with Calpol .
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