Example sentences of "time [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Alternative readings or critical analysis of this entrenched reverence for a rule of law ( which at times may well be out of step with a wider interpretation of ambiguous social behaviour ) smacks of subversion simply because it denies the primacy of the institutional framework .
2 Times may be hard in those places , but note how few people are clamouring for a return to the let's-stay-poor-together socialism of the past .
3 OPENING TIMES : 7 days a week , 10am to 5.30pm ( last admission may be extended subject to demand ) — Winter times may change .
4 These times may vary considerably depending on the sensitivity and thickness of the etch-resist .
5 Social contact with colleagues outside working times may be restricted — perhaps the background noise in the canteen or the poor lighting conditions at the pub lunch may make conversation near impossible .
6 Opening times may vary with the season with extensions during the 50th anniversary celebrations .
7 Ambipolar diffusion times may be as high as 10 8 yr for these clouds .
8 The tenor of the times may be favourable to presidential action .
9 Traffic conditions may be unexpectedly heavy at times and for this and other reasons outside of our control , journey times may be longer and arrival times delayed .
10 Other Ministers at other times may have acted differently , but the legislative context is one that would be familiar to all of them .
11 Then it buries those it can not eat , one at a time , in different parts of its territory to be retrieved later when times may be harder .
12 The Financial Times may be a bit of a problem .
13 A return to the formal table manners of Victorian times may be the best way to stop us all eating in a hurry .
14 The patent absence of police-picket accommodation at all times may be partially explained in terms of a communication context characterised by a steady accumulation of negative encounters between the police and NUM , a complete lack of liaison between South Yorkshire police and the organisers of the mass picket , frequent resort to tactics of surprise and NUM leaders steadfastly resisting media pressure to disavow picket-line violence involving their own rank and file .
15 Reconstruction in Victorian times may have rendered the building even more forbidding .
16 The dedication contains the somewhat bitter generalization that ‘ the policie of times may hold it unfit to raise men humbled with adversities to titles of dearnesse ’ , which could apply to Cavendish 's own situation at the end of Elizabeth 's reign .
17 The widespread regression at the end of Cretaceous times may be related to three major plate phenomena : the Laramide orogeny along the western edge of the American plate , the opening of the northern part of the North Atlantic and the further grinding together of the African and Eurasian plates to produce the early Tertiary Pyrenean folding of Cantabria , the Pyrenees and Provence in south-west Europe .
18 Etching times may vary from less than a minute to over half an hour .
19 As it was stipulated that each segment be long enough to obey Gaussian statistics , short relaxation times may not allow a segment sufficient time to rearrange and regain this distribution .
20 It is important to use the exact quantities of given ingredients when following cake recipes , but you should also remember that stated oven temperatures and cooking times may vary slightly according to your own oven 's temperament — make any minor adjustments as necessary .
21 TIMES may have been tough in recent years but matters have come to a fine pass when this distinguished theatre feels obliged to assemble a posse of actresses and two actors to perform what is basically a rather vulgar sketch and present it as a front length drama .
22 He said it was inevitable that in 5pc of instances the response times may be longer .
23 Instead of being answered instantly by a human voice , callers at busy times may just hear a recorded message .
24 Times may be tough but it seems we 're taking less care of our money than ever before .
25 Surely the detailed issue coverage in the Guardian and The Times must be superior to the necessarily brief and superficial coverage of issues on television ? perhaps that is so ; but Very few British newspaper readers read papers like the Guardian and The Times ; most read tabloids such as the Sun , the Star , the Mirror , the Express , or the Mail .
26 Times must be getting better . ’
27 ‘ The New York Times must think highly of you to send you abroad at your age , ’ she stated disarmingly .
28 Times must still have been hard down Whittox Lane , though nearly all its inhabitants seem to have been employed in some way or another — most of them in the clothing trade , alongside Mr. Middleditch , the Badcox Lane Baptist minister , and Charles Dyer , 23 , a coal miner .
29 How many times must I say it before it sinks in ? ’
30 When the baseline is repeated at some later date , after the intervention programme , the same times must be used .
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