Example sentences of "see my " in BNC.

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1 This undemanding life-cycle had never been disrupted and I read the new lecture list partly just out of habit and partly for the simple pleasure of seeing my name in print .
2 I thought you might be interested in seeing my adorable mutt , Bubbles , pictured ( below ) with her superior companion our Yorkshire Terrier , Boswell .
3 One of the French Commandos seeing my predicament involved the parents in conversation , while I found no difficulty in communicating with Francoise , their daughter .
4 This happened the next day , and the next until , fed up at seeing my lettuces out again , I decided to investigate .
5 ‘ I 'm seeing my way right now , ’ the driver told me , as he came out of the bar , followed by the landlady .
6 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
7 I cried after the girl had gone and he seeing my distress and I explaining I feared your anger he put his arms around my neck and comforted me and said he was sure his real mother could not but love her sister and believe she had acted for the best .
8 On seeing my person , he took the opportunity to inform me that he had just that moment finalized plans to return to the United States for a period of five weeks between August and September .
9 Seeing my interest was now aroused , I was invited to try the unit myself on a day 's diving .
10 Agnes pulled herself up straighter in the chair and , looking into the broad face , she said , ‘ Your son has been seeing my sister clandestinely . ’
11 Seeing my disappointment he winked an eye and said , ‘ Well , I must admit that it makes a good story ’ .
12 Two days after seeing my surgeon and exactly a week before going into hospital , aided by my wife , I crawled up to London and met the hero of the book .
13 Between seeing my surgeon and being X-rayed there were only a few days .
14 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
15 ‘ … tell you , just like that — sometimes don't. 'S the day for seeing my dad .
16 Rather than losing a life when he comes into contact with a creature , Egor merely becomes more frightened until , when the bar representing his fear level reaches its limit , he screams and pops his clogs ( something I can identify with after seeing my caricature , as created by the evil hand of our Art Editor ) .
17 And when the public started seeing my name on the back of these albums , the subsequent demand was staggering !
18 Eventually I gave up hope of ever seeing my Mom again , and stealing a penny from beneath a milk bottle , bought a platform ticket and stowed away in the goods wagon of a train bound — I thought — for Sheffield and my beloved Grandfather .
19 I moved back in with my Grandfather , changing schools once again and seeing my Mom at week-ends .
20 The colleague thought she remembered seeing my name somewhere .
21 A good reputation will be merely a means to winning what I want from others ; I shall care nothing for the respect or contempt of people who can not help or ham me , and find no pleasure in the prospect of millions seeing my face on television or reading my books after I am dead .
22 LIKE many pensioners I am seeing my savings dwindle with falling interest rates .
23 He arranged his materials on Starkisser 's long midnight-blue bows and , seeing my interest , offered an explanation .
24 ‘ I am so excited about seeing my sons again .
25 I 'm seeing my solicitor tomorrow . ’
26 Well , seeing my mugshot plastered all over February 's scanner review did n't help !
27 The flats face Carntyne dog track , and I gaze out of the window at the greyhounds as they sprint after the electric hare , then , late in the afternoon , transfer my attention to the road , in the hope of seeing my father appear again with sweeties , and notebooks for me to draw in .
28 The matron , seeing my Lady took an interest in the place , pointed out a girl to her , named Rosanna Spearman , and told her a most miserable story : which I have n't the heart to repeat here ; for I do n't like to be made wretched without any use , and no more do you .
29 ‘ I have no intention of seeing my dues gambled away by your wastrel of a son . ’
30 I 've just seen my father = I 'm after seeing my father
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