Example sentences of "what an " in BNC.

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1 What an impro of this kind does is confront the actors with a situation where they have to be emotionally truthful .
2 What an extraordinary surprise !
3 The following are some of the most common errors , together with suggestions on how a pilot can avoid them and what an instructor can do to help .
4 However , I find Turner 's work on the results of such movement into the liminal state to be a very useful way of interpreting what an insider experiences when he moves to the margins of his own domain , and I suspect that many such transformations across fiercely defended boundaries of cultural experience lend the individual the chance to stand aside and reflect on his subjective place in the order of things .
5 God , what an old hippy I am , jeered Jay .
6 Always train with these mitts to get used to the additional range they allow , and to experience what an acceptable impact feels like .
7 What an irony — the republican ideas they had accused him of propagating were exactly what he had left unsaid , and should have said .
8 What an enormous bunch , ’ said the woman next to her .
9 For this sort of Englishman , ‘ externality , — to things English — is what any American is condemned to ; and per contra ‘ inwardness ’ — with things English — is what an Englishman quite simply has , painlessly , as a birthright .
10 Perhaps the only mistake I made all those years ago was not realising what an anti-democratic medium television would prove to be .
11 BOURNEMOUTH Russ Abbot Silly wigs , voices and costumes from the man who once rocked the charts with ‘ Oh What An Atmosphere ’ .
12 ‘ When I saw Dustin Hoffman in Peter Hall 's production , which was strong and clean , I thought that the strength of the production showed up what an awful play it is .
13 He also ruled out what an ITN interviewer called a ‘ gentle readjustment ’ of the pound , saying that was an unacceptable soft option .
14 How can a demoralised off-licence manager work up the enthusiasm to sell what an increasingly adventurous customer has no desire to buy ?
15 He was reported to have said , ‘ I did not really know what an archdeacon does . ’
16 To set the ticket price , the agent has to look at what is happening in the industry , what an average ticket price is , and what the touring artist is worth as an attraction .
17 Another decade was to pass before it really sank in , and he could write , ‘ What an ass I have been both for not knowing and for thinking I knew .
18 The problem for British producers seeking to emulate Korda 's achievement was to define what an international British film might be .
20 For all her tempering in the fires of history , she remained an impassioned idealist to the end of her long life , though with enough self-knowledge and self-irony to be able to record what Milena Jesenska said about the difference between them — ‘ What an incurable girl guide you are .
21 To ask for things like that was totally beyond what an experienced person would ask for .
22 In other words , they do what an effective non-executive director would do .
23 What an anniversary should do for Mozart
24 What an economy needs is shareholders who have both a long-term interest in the companies they own and the desire and ability to apply some discipline to managers .
25 What an ordinary individual needs is to have a slice of his savings invested in the company he works for , and the rest spread widely so as to spread his risk , through unit trusts ( mutual funds ) , life-insurance policies or pension funds .
26 What an exquisite verse from Shelley you quoted .
27 What an astonishing creature . ’
28 What an academic gaffe — that was the year that saw the publication of Charles Darwin 's The Origin of Species , a book that was to shake the very foundations of Western thought !
29 What an idea , ’ said his Mum shutting the cupboard door .
30 She was looking resolutely away , so that Tug could feel what an effort it took her not to bend down and pick up the pieces .
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