Example sentences of "would [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , the doctor had told me , but I 'd kind of shut it out .
2 taller but you 'd kind of grow out .
3 For instance , if you were given , say , poetry , and you could n't get on with it , he would n't sort of force you into it , he 'd sort of talk it over and find out why you did n't like it , could n't get on with it , and then he 'd put you on to something else you did like …
4 He 's not like a father as you 'd sort of think of a father .
5 I 've bought all sorts really , but normally in the first week or two of getting paid , I 'd buy a gram or whatever and make it last for four or five days , so I 'd sort of have a quarter a day out of it .
6 Because you 'd sort of , they , they 'd go up and then if , if you went any farther you 'd go on to the doctors ' lectures you see .
7 Er and often you 'd go into a quite a poor home and you 'd , you 'd sort of er , th there was n't the money about you see in , in those days .
8 They 'd , they 'd , they 'd sort of say , they 'd , they , they were supposed to book a , a midwife you see .
9 And erm there used to be shops where they would , they 'd sort of say , we can give you pills to bring it on , but I , I do n't think they ever really did .
10 Erm so I mean I think , you know , it might be useful , well , in some ways it would be very useful for you to have erm two sort of six month stints in rather different environments so that then you 'd sort of keep your options open a bit .
11 Yes well my grandmother I think she lived nearby and she 'd sort of pop in .
12 Well I du n no whether we whether you 'd sort of when you 're so close really .
13 they 'd come out with half of one , they 'd come out with things like I think you 're er I du n no er , not barking up the wrong tree that was the wrong one , but the they 'd sort of come out with half of a pun and they would n't finish it off , like oh th , this is smashing !
14 and I , I , probably only a youngster then , well I was about twenty six or seven , but er , I shall never forget her fingers were like claws she could n't move them they 'd sort of set
15 I mean occasionally there 's a break where we 'd sort of get this stupid laughter and stuff but most of it most of it is just sort of like
16 He said well he used to go and he 'd sort of look up at it , and he 'd sort of think about how he was gon na put it in there he said then he 'd be going like this then he 'd sort of get hold of the other hand he said and he 'd put it in like that and these other old boys are going like this with full hands you know ?
17 He said well he used to go and he 'd sort of look up at it , and he 'd sort of think about how he was gon na put it in there he said then he 'd be going like this then he 'd sort of get hold of the other hand he said and he 'd put it in like that and these other old boys are going like this with full hands you know ?
18 He said well he used to go and he 'd sort of look up at it , and he 'd sort of think about how he was gon na put it in there he said then he 'd be going like this then he 'd sort of get hold of the other hand he said and he 'd put it in like that and these other old boys are going like this with full hands you know ?
19 He 'd sort of hang out , he 'd shower with his
20 For two pins I 'd sort of say to them , I thought well you might might say something to the erm
21 I I do n't think they 'd sort of hold up their arms and say well we 'll finish altogether if that 's your attitude .
22 Where banish 'd Nature leaves a barren Gloom ,
23 Such a setting , as Coleridge acknowledges in the poem , he might once have sought out to echo the mood of a ‘ sad gloom-pamper 'd Man ’ ; but now his descriptions of the sea breeze moaning through the house , the thunder of the ‘ onward-surging tides ’ and the watchfire shining out from Flat Holm in the Bristol Channel , are powerfully transformed by the central fact of his love for Sara , and become part of a vast natural counterpoint to intimate and far from gloomy thoughts .
24 And with a Sigh address 'd the alter 'd Shade .
25 To give the duke his due , he was suitably cautious , for he advised that the presentation be kept secret ‘ till things be ripen 'd wt the ministers of the presbytery and heretors , and people , as much as possible ’ .
26 He fought his doubts and gather 'd strength ,
27 Coke cans , once emptied , would aec over the heads of the audience .
28 I , I hope I 've covered the ground that you were hoping I would Chairman .
29 I thought you would Chairman , take it later I see a lot of hands up on the other side .
30 Would Parliament cooperate ?
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