Example sentences of "or will " in BNC.

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1 The Inland Revenue form R190(SD) contains the certificate and the form requires the donor to state that he satisfies all the conditions relating to Gift Aid ( as to which , see 4 below ) , including the fact that he has paid , or will pay , tax equal to the basic rate on the gross amount of the gift .
2 Any compiler of a catalogue raisonné will have seen and compared all the works listed , or will scruple to state if some work has proved inaccessible .
3 Will television dictate the future of sport or will the public demand deeper and wider coverage ?
4 Can sport retain an ethical base or will its involvement with television mean that it becomes completely dominated and determined by financial considerations ?
5 Are Channel 5 and Cable in opposition or will they work together occupying new spaces in a completely new industry map ?
6 By this stage of a stall , very often the noise of the airflow will have increased because of the yawing movement , and most of the other symptoms will either be absent or will go unnoticed in the moments of panic .
7 If , as I have argued , neurophysiological explanations of mind explain nothing and if physiological observations give us no purchase on the essentially metaphysical question of the nature of mind , how has the myth become so powerful that many people within and outside the scientific community do believe that neurophysiology has advanced ( or will advance ) our understanding of mind and the mind-body relationship ?
8 Few men of Binyon 's position and experience have tried or will try the experiment .
9 ‘ I think I was a stripper in my previous life , or will be in the next , ’ she said , curling her leg round an opulent red curtain .
10 Some 4,690 Wensleydale households took part in the survey which shows that nearly 10 per cent of local residents need immediate additional accommodation or will do so shortly .
11 Under the guarantee , McCaw will buy the remaining LIN shares in five years at an agreed private market price or will put the entire LIN company up for sale .
12 More soon of this exciting saga , which is due to be turned into a TV epic or will be if we can fix up a deal with anyone .
13 DENIS Winston Healey is having a certain amount of characteristically mischievous fun with journalists at the moment , on the question of whether he will or will not stand at the next election .
14 The world wants to know if Britain can adjust to the facts of life or will allow old fears , old habits , old prejudices , old prides to weigh down its vitality and eat up its resources .
15 Will it be a record that clubs get behind , or will the act become favourites with the media and no one else ?
16 Will they develop incrementally along existing lines or will there be a change cyclically to something resembling the old consensus ?
17 No form of British assistance , military or otherwise , has been , or will be , given to the Khmer Rouge . ’
18 Or will it broaden its base and agree to enlargement ?
19 Or will he by then be associated in the public mind with the troubles of the economy ?
20 Or will they need reassessing , given their importance for Britain 's entire defence strategy ?
21 When Americans talk about an ‘ underclass ’ in their cities , they do not simply mean the poor ; they mean poor but healthy young people who can not or will not , but anyway do not , get a job .
22 Will you kiss me , or will you be unkind just a little while ?
23 Cases of transactions which give , at any rate , a moral right , but a right which the Common Law Courts can not or will not protect .
24 The debtor remains in a sense owner ; he has a new sort of equitable ownership , ‘ an equity of redemption ’ , which he is only to lose after the court has given him ample opportunity to repay , and it becomes plain to the court that he can not or will not pay .
25 On the death of father or mother the guardianship devolves on the surviving spouse ; but either can by deed or will appoint guardians to act with the survivor .
26 Will you get a big weight loss this week , or will it come next week , or not at all ?
27 He is the doorway to the Queen , deciding who will or will not be granted access .
28 There is no one here who cares for me or will look out for me and I must shift for myself in everything which is not easy now I am big with child and not well as I was with my first-born .
29 He would not need above four days ' leave from them and since Oreste is now or will be by then nearly three which is the age Pen first travelled at I can not see any reason why he need inconvenience the party .
30 Who can say what will or will not contribute to the solution of problems ?
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