Example sentences of "that but " in BNC.

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1 As the only boat in Division C she wins that but is also expected to take the joint C and D prize .
2 ‘ Liverpool have exploited that but it first came to me many years ago in a charity match at Newcastle .
3 No one present would have disputed that but the feeling was that all we had seen was the closing of one chapter of a story in which there is much more to come .
4 I accepted that but , having in mind Sweden 's small population and great resources of iron and timber , thought it an untypical sort of country , and asked for another .
5 She 'd been writing for the NME , about David Cassidy and things like that but it must have been quite a struggle to get by .
6 ‘ McIniff was blackguard enough to do that but you 'd think that at least he 'd be ashamed to tell it . ’
7 I know it ai n't grown up and that but I ca n't stop myself .
8 ‘ He could have blamed this and that but he said we deserved it .
9 We did n't really need a Christmas present after that but the encore , the intermezzo from Delius 's Fennimore and Gerda , was very welcome all the same .
10 We may be very liberated and all that but — ‘ Oh — I must ask my husband ’ ’ She put on a high-pitched imbecile voice like a detergent or wash-up liquid ad .
11 ‘ Well , er , ’ said the vicar , ‘ I 'm not so sure about that but I 'll certainly ring the church bells . ’
12 I hear that the Ancient Teutons get twice that but it ca n't be true because they lost .
13 On the debit side we have dropped one day on the calving interval to 376 days , although not a disaster we had been trying to improve that but our heifers are calving at 28 months instead of two years three months .
14 I was favoured with your letter and should have been glad to embrace this opportunity of sending a packet of seeds to Dr. Manetti of Florence , but the season has been so cold that but few of them have ripened as yet , but if the next month proves favourable , I hope to send him some in November , if you have any opportunity to convey them .
15 There was no harm in that but it landed him in trouble every time .
16 Not only that but he suggested in his letter that it would be sensible to keep the donation quiet .
17 Not only that but the Board predicted that with its second station it could improve substantially on the Sizewell performance , setting British construction times and operating records among the best in the world .
18 The DHAC and the Republican Clubs will push for that but I ca n't see anyone else .
19 I am not singing ‘ Take my head and my heart and all my bad habits but by the way I 'm sorry that you have to put up with all that but they 're just part of the package you see . ’
20 One of the key crossover texts , perhaps , is Barthes 's Mythologies , for what is that but a series of camp readings ?
21 I ca n't say I know many women like that but I find it interesting . ’
22 We are doing this because some kids always tell us ‘ oh , we can do that but with my legs tied behind my back ’ which can be very annoying .
23 No , I assure you of that but , well , for one thing the Elsie I knew made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself , start more or less from scratch .
24 At first it was quite nice attending interviews and things like that but after a while they all just become the same .
25 We are not made for life or anything like that but there is a fair bit coming in .
26 You want a sturdy young fellow here not only to lift that but also those sacks of sugar and such . ’
27 ‘ You can challenge that but you have to pick your moments ’ , she says .
28 Steve Groves for ‘ We shot it yesterday when it was 3 feet higher' ’ Nick Reason for ‘ Dad , I know you 've got to have a head for heights to canoe over a waterfall like that but why 's that man got two heads ? ’ ,
29 We are not summoned to that but to the great banquet afterwards .
30 ‘ I , too , thought of that but , no , I inspected the corpse . ’
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