Example sentences of "there are " in BNC.

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1 16,000 reported infections ( it is probable that there are between 40–60,000 people actually infected ) .
2 there are nearly 5,000 reported cases of AIDS , of which nearly 3,000 have already died .
3 Now there are n't enough ‘ soldier ’ cells to beat the germ , so it multiplies .
4 It does not need a lawyer either to draw up any document or to advise you although you may wish to consult a professional adviser if a particularly large sum is involved or if there are complicated conditions surrounding the gift .
5 There are several differences :
6 Under Gift Aid there are no formalities at the time of the gift , just a cheque or cash gift to the charity .
7 Thus the transfer of an asset to a charity e.g. a work of art , will not qualify ( although there are other ways for a charity to obtain tax relief on the gift of an asset ) .
8 There are exemptions for gifts to spouses and to charity .
9 In Constanta , alone , there are over 550 children with AIDS .
10 In Constanta alone there are over 550 children with AIDS .
11 The very life blood of Amnesty is its research teams — there are currently 40 based at the International Secretariat in London .
12 But there are still prisoners of conscience in Europe , and in every other region of the world .
13 There are over 2,300 inmates on America 's death rows : all have found themselves caught up in the nightmare that is the US capital law system .
14 There are numerous examples of the poor quality of court-appointed lawyers ; John Young went to his death even though his trial lawyer had signed an affidavit admitting he had been ill-prepared at trial due to drug use , the recent break-up of his marriage and the discovery of his own homosexuality ; another attorney had his breath checked by the judge for signs of alcohol , another was found to be in contempt of court after arriving back from lunch drunk … and so I could go on .
16 There are some aspects of group work which never change — the satisfaction felt on receiving a letter such as this , for example :
17 There are many more definitions of art besides Tolstoy 's own and those which he denounced .
18 Books and catalogues may contain criticism ; but their writers may think of themselves as art historians , philosophers , aestheticians , anthropologists , historians or biographers , and there are many other possibilities ; their books may never be identified as art criticism .
19 There is no shortage of writing about Pollock ; like other star artists , he has an embarrassingly large number of apologists , but fortunately there are select bibliographies which can guide her to key publications .
20 Indeed , there are some who feel that there should be no border , thinking back nostalgically to days when there was only one domain of art .
21 A guide to art reference books published in 1969 had 2,500 entries , some of which referred to series ; for example , there was a single entry for the series of monographs on individual artists , called Klassiker der Kunst , also published in French as Classiques d'Art , in which there are thirty-eight books .
22 In other words , there are no aesthetic objects , only physical objects , which , when observed , are capable of stimulating an aesthetic event . ’
23 As four chapters will demonstrate , there are different places to find art criticism ; a monograph will afford the greatest opportunity for full critical treatment , while a brief newspaper article is most likely to omit one or more of the three helpful elements , perhaps through the writer 's assuming prior knowledge on the reader 's part .
24 This distinction can be limpid if the artist is directly interviewed , and the interview is verbatim ; but there are problems of evidence with filming and tape recordings , as well as with interviews , since the viewer or reader is unlikely to know how they have been edited .
25 Among some of his frescoes there are some which are imprinted on the memory for ever . ’
26 In these 239 murals , covering a surface of 1,585 square metres , there are traces of many influences making up a popular and forceful imagery : ‘ The codices , pre-conquest sculpture , popular art , the study of living people , the colour of nature as well as the paintings of the misnamed Italian Primitives , together with the modern artistic tendencies to which Rivera himself had contributed during his stay in France , all went to form his own peculiar style , which is apparent for the first time in these frescoes . ’
27 There are also technical limitations .
28 No prizes can be offered for pointing out that at a given moment there are artists of several generations working and in very different ways .
29 Not a new situation , for there are ample historical parallels .
30 For the reader , however , an art defined as national , made as cohesive and marketable as possible , may be less than convincing as an entity ; it may be that within a survey or an anthology there are just a limited number of interesting and attractive works .
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